Monday, June 26, 2023

Prayer - All or Nothing


Father God, may the whole earth be filled with Your glory.  I know one day when Jesus comes the second time He'll come in glory and majesty and so the earth will again be filled with knowledge of You in a more pure and perfect way.

Through Your Holy Spirit bring me knowledge of my 'all or nothing' tendencies so I can surrender them to You, so I can say "It is well with my soul."  Those sins which so easily beset me despite Your Holy Spirit's indwelling and convictings, may I surrender to You.  Let me be more like the Peter after Penecost than his impetuous 'all or nothing' character from beforehand, even though he often meant well.

I know I fly off the handle easily.  Others have their temptations and foibles.  Help us to have the Spirit's self-control and patience so we can emulate Christ's nature and fragrance.  By Your grace, to You I submit these sins.  I confess them and long for Your transforming power to work from the inside out.

Your church needs this too, oh Father.  May there be revival in individuals and then collectively in our churches, which are supposed to represent Jesus for all the lost of the world.

  In Jesus name I thank You for your forgiveness, yet again.  

Thank You Father.

                                                    ~ERC  June 2023~

Sing, Goodness of God, along with Hillsong, Bethel Music.

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