Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Epitaph


You might say this is an angry outburst, and tell me not to let the sun go down upon my wrath.  I'd like to think this is righteous anger, however, and God will sanction this outburst.  May He forgive me if I'm out of line.

Is it so difficult to gain an interest in the Savior and the good deeds He prepared for us to do (Ephesians 2:10) after our salvation?  Where are the spiritual men and women, but especially men, of God, who felt God's amazing love was for them once upon a time.  It 'used' to be so wonderful to have salvation through the blood of Jesus and His infinite grace and live for Him, so where are these believers now?

A little storm and trouble in their lives and away they go?  Poof!  Was the soil of their hearts so thorny the good seed got choked?

Do they not realize the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling them?!  The dynamic power - think of that...'dynamic' plus 'power'.  Men of God RISE UP!  Where are you?  We sisters need you to do so.  One and all need to mature!  Our gatherings of believers are sick and dying.  Get your act together.  Jesus went through a lot for you!  Where are your full baskets?

Peter, John, Andrew, Thomas, Philip, James and the other apostles, and last but not least, the apostle Paul - they went the whole nine yards and then some for Christ.  Where are you today's brothers-in-Christ?  Please wake up and rise up.  

Have you forgotten you are servants of the most high God?  You've come into His family by the "gift of God's grace" (Ephesians 3:7)?  Have you flung this gift back into His face because you want to pursue your own interests?

Get with the beat!  Repent of your complacency, apathy, doing-your-own-thingy things.  Do you know the cost and price God paid for your salvation?  It was COSTLY GRACE - the life of His own dear Son!  

What are you paying for your service for Him?

What are you paying to be the spiritual leader in your own, supposedly, Christian, home?  What are you paying to be the spiritual leader in your own church setting?

Rise up if you call yourself a man of God.  RISE UP!

Approach God with freedom and confidence to give you  what you think you lack.  BUT have a willing, obedient heart.  Have ears that hear and do something for Him.

Yes, I am ranting because I am so, so, so disappointed and depressed with the men who could but don't become the spiritual men they are duty bound and responsible to be among the saints of God.  STUDY the Scriptures.  Let the Holy Spirit be your coach, guide and counselor that He is.  


"Now unto Him who is able to do immearsurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us..." (Ephesians 3:20).

His incomparable power is at work within you, brothers.  Let Him do His work.  Don't give Him a hard time.  Don't quench the Spirit.  Listen and obey and rise up!  Give Him the glory and time by being pro-active in your personal spiritual life, in the spiritual life of your family, and in the life of the church.  Also in your workplace realm be, 

 "salt, light, and spiritual leader". 
 May this be the epitaph you leave in, and at, your wake.

                                                   ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Ephesians 3 and a grieving heart for the men of God who need to come to their spiritual senses and full potential in Christ.

Song, Rise Up, O Men of God, along with, sorry, it seems only to be the Mormans that sing this so well.  May those who follow Jesus Christ through salvation in Him alone and not salvation by works lest any should boast, take hold and let this be their motto song for service to the Lord from now on until Jesus comes.

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