Thursday, June 15, 2023

Feeding Your Spouse


Recently I heard,

"...the wife feeds on her husband's love and the husband on the respect his wife gives him."

Yeah, that was at a wedding.  The pastoress based this on,

"However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband" (Ephesians 5:33 NIV).

This may get some of your backs up because you've not gotten the level of love or respect you expected of your marriage partner.  It's all well and good sentiment on the wedding day where 'love is still rather blind' but as the days, weeks, months and years roll by, it wears really thin and he or she has done things that make you rescind on that love and respect.  The forgiveness-commodity quotient is at a premium, all-time low.

In God's dictionary, 'love' is unconditional, and perseverence is one of the characteristics of His love.  For believers this is the 'should' and 'ought' of the matter where the better or for worse element kicks in.

I'm not talking about an abusive situation but the everyday choreography within a marital relationship which can spiral down.  The love-respect dynamic can indeed become a vicious cycle of better or worse, with less give and more take.

If a couple wants to make a faithful sustaining go of their marriage for the long haul, keep feeding your spouse his/her love language whether it's love or respect, in the forever maze after you've fed him/her the wedding cake.  It's one of the very best gifts you could give each other.  It's the way to keep the kettle boiling and the coffee percolating.

Go feed your spouse.  😃

                                                      ~ERC June 2023~

Based on Ephesians 5:33 and a wedding admonition.

Sing, Together, along with Steven Curtis Chapman.

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