Sunday, June 11, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Jehovah Nissi

Do people know, LORD, that Jehovah Nissi is the banner over Your children's heads?

Above Your Son Jesus' head while He was on the cross was,

"Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" (John 19:20).

It wasn't meant as a compliment, rather as a goad to the Jewish religious leaders.  However, it was Jesus' 'Banner of Love' for His human creatures.  A banner of redemption and recompence on the "whosoever will's" behalf.

"Those who have received Him and believed in His name, have the right to become God's children - born of God" (see John 1:12 & 13).

We have Him as our banner, not just something written but Someone as our Great God and Father, full of light and love and grace - all HIM.

Father God, Jehovah Nissi, we bow in reverent awe and silence before you, too overcome to speak more...

In tiptoe quietness we ponder upon your love and grace, you lavishly poured out upon us, apportioning it in just the correct amounts as we each need, equipping us for your service.  May we keep your banner in place and wear it like a bejewelled crown, reflecting Your Jehovah Nissi love.

Finding our voice, we lift our heads and thank You Father.  We do remember Jesus now, hands trembling some as we reach for the broken bread and drink from that wine-filled cup.  We're not shaking in fear but in overwhelming love that Jesus should bleed and die for us.  What's more, that this King of kings and Lord of lords should do so for such as us, for me!

Praise You, He has risen and ascended back to You, praying for us, on our behalf, again.

Thank You for this protective banner of love.  Your slightest wish is now our command.  In Jesus' name I praise You, Jehovah Nissi.

People of God, this Lord's Day, let us go forth confidently holding this banner as we march double-time into His service He has equipped us for, so we can reach maturity in our faith and knowledge of the Son of God who gave Himself for us.

Is this not motivation to be spiritual leaders in Christ and live holy, blameless lives?  Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, sing His praises with Jehovah Nissi held high until He comes.

May our hands be lifted high to Him as we

 "attain the whole mesure of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13).

                                                   ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Ephesians 4; Exodus 17:15.

Sing, His Banner Over Me is Love, along with NeverFailsHisPromise.

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