Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Thessalonica Letters

 Locate the first letter to the Thessalonians and find chapter 5.  Read verses 1-11.  Now think, while waiting for an important event to happen what do you do to prepare for it?

If the event is a birthday party, you'd want to shop for and wrap gifts; invite friends; make a cake and decorate it; decorate the venue; create a menu and cook it, among a hundred and one other things on a to-do list.  As the date approaches the flurry and scurry increases until all prep is done and then you can celebrate in style and relative ease.

It behooves us nowadays to prepare for that great second coming of Jesus event.  Back in the apostle Paul's day, he actively and thoroughly prepared by going on missionary journeys.  On his first one he went along with Barnabas (see Acts 13).  This was shorter in nature, and closer to home than the later two.  If you look at Bible times maps you will see.  It was only on those second and third trips that Paul, along with Silas, reached as far west as Thessalonica in Greece (see Acts 15:36-18).

They traveled in combos of by land and by sea.  Mammoth journey's in those days.  There was no easy flying jaunt of today's long-distance travel.  Their journeys were fraught with great dangers yet they had the heart and grace of Jesus to press on.

The Holy Spirit helped Paul and Sials to understand the Word of God and teach the Thessalonians the gospel of Jesus Christ and how to live according to the Spirit with Christian living and hope of Christ's return.  The Thessalonians in turn taught their fellow citizens and so on.  

After all this hard work and the establishment of an assembly in Thessalonica by these brothers, Satan of course, could not leave well enough alone.  God's enemy made trouble stirring up persecution.  Being cruelly and unjustly treated is one of Satan's tactics against believers in Jesus Christ, even in today's world.

However, Satan being the father of lies, also uses more sneaky methods of dividing and conquering.  Among the Thessalonian believers, false teaching crept in.  Somehow, the rumor that Jesus had already come the second time began to infiltrate and cause anxiety and confusion.

Because the false teachers said Jesus had already come, then no one else could be saved.  It's too late to accept Jesus as Savior.  These lies worked like poison, hampering and killing any evangelisteic efforts and any comfort of assurance in Christ.

When Paul heard about this, he was unable to visit Thessalonica.  Instead, he wrote them letters.  This is how we now get to read 1st and 2nd Thessalonians.

As we read and study these letters we find hope once again.  Jesus has not yet come.  One and all peoples of the earth can still come to salvation through Jesus Christ.  We still await His glorious day.

As we study these letters and of course, the whole of God's Word, be sure to do so well and in context.  Allow the Holy Spirit to teach and guide you into all truth and to undersand His Word correctly.  When Satan's lies come your way, you will then be equipped to know the difference between them and the truth of God's Word more adroitly.  You will not be easily fooled by the wiles of the devil.

We still have the Rapture to look forward too.  In my mind I say this event is like Part 1 of the second coming of Christ.  This is that wondrous event when believers in Jesus Christ will go up to meet the Lord in the air.  There will be a trumpet blast, Jesus will say, "Come."  In the blink of an eye, those who have accepted Jesus as Savior will join Jesus in the clouds and then together, go to Heaven to be with Him forever, in a never-ending celebration of joy (see 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

Part 2 is when we all come back to earth with Jesus when He comes back as Judge of all the earth.  He'll come in power and majesty, the King of kings and Lord of lords.  The whole earth will know Him and bow their knees to Him (see Revelation 1:5-8).

Sadly for those who have rejected Jesus since the time of His death, resurrection and ascension (from His first coming), He will reject them.  This is what He will have come to judge and ascertain.

NO ONE KNOWS though when this time will come, except for God.  It will be like a thief in the night.  No one knows when he will strike.  We just have to be sure to lock our doors and have as much security as possible in place.

Similary, all peoples of the earth must prepare for this second coming of Jesus event.  Salvation by repenting of one's sins, saying sorry to God and asking Jesus to wash away your sins with His blood.  Jesus accepts this and forgives your sins with His blood.  Jesus accepts this and forgives your sins and gives you eternal life and His Holy Spirit to help you live a life to please Him and to understand God's Word.  This is just like Paul, Silas, the Thessalonians and the myriads of people since those ages past.

Now you can tell your family and friends and maybe even go on missionary journeys as Paul and Silas once did.  Now is the time.

Jesus has not yet come back.  Be ready.  When He does come, that is time when it will be forever, 'too late'.  This is the truth.

For now continue to put your faith and trust in the Lord.  Read and study God's Word thoroughly so you will be able to discern Satan's lies from God's truth.  Continue to love and honor the Lord and obey His word.  Do your best in all of these, even in continuing to share the message of Jesus to one and all.

"May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you" [all] (1 Thessalonians 5:28).

                                                     ~ ERC  June 2023 ~

Based on Kawan Grace Resource P4b Sunday School Lesson 7 - Letters to the Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11).

Sing, When The Lord Comes Back, along with Christian Media and Soon and Very Soon, along with Sunday Choir by Andrae Crouch.

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