Friday, June 2, 2023

Jealous God


Jealousy might get you somewhere, cuz you'll do something about that source of aggravation.  Your girl gets too cozy with another guy.  Husband gets too chummy with another woman...what's your passion reaction?

A zest quest to douse the sparks before they become inflamed.  A need to protect YOUR relationship with "YOUR" girl or "YOUR " husband.

God is jealous too.  Did you know it?

"The LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God" (Deuteronomy 4:24).

He showed this time and again in His dealings with Israel during Old Testament times.  They turned aside time and again to other gods.  They wanted what other nations had.  They forgot that THEIR God was the best that He was and that there ever would or could be (and still is, by the way).  He is,

"The God of gods, Lord of lords, the Great God, mighty and awesome..." (Deuteronomy 10:17).

This God, the only God, was their God.  His righteousness and holiness fueled the consuming fire of jealousy as He wanted them to look only to Him.  He loved them and He passionately desired for them to love Him back, to develop relationship with HIM.

Jealousy can lead to many negative thoughts and behaviors in human beings but God strove only for the good of His people Israel.

May our relationship with our own spouses also seek each other and their good.  But we are looking even deeper here.  Spiritually, where are you at?  Are you making God jealous by the things you allow in your life?  Are you dabbling with other gods?  He's jealous for you.  You are HIS child if you've accepted Jesus as Savior.  

You belong to Him!

He is as powerful, mighty and awesome today as He was 4000 - 5000 and more years ago.

Here's a question recently asked by a pastor,

"Are you as jealous for God as He is for you?"

Think about it.  Search your hearts.  Your answer will gauge how jealous you are.

                                                    ~ERC  May 2023~

Based on Deuteronomy 4:24 and Pastor Oliver Carl's question.

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