Friday, June 23, 2023

No Assumptions


If there was a woman screaming in rage at the site of a body of a man spewing blood from a mortal-looking wound and lying on the ground, what would you think?  Moreover, the woman was gripping a knife that was dripping blood.  As you had approached she ran away.  Would you immediately assume she was the culprit of the stabbing?

She is the murderess?  OR, she was the loving wife who came upon her stabbed husband?  OR?

We all make many snap judgements and assumptions by an 'appearance' or 'stereotyping' of a person or situation.  Often our conclusions are wrong.

I think my first, snap presumption would have been that the man was a criminal and maybe the woman, humanly speaking, was justified in her actions.  Others would call the police and give a description of the woman as the murderess.  Nine out of ten passersby would likely feel the same.  However it could have been the pair were victims of foul play and the woman ran for fear of her own life.

When we don't know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, nor even try to ascertain the truth, we can do a lot of damage.  Do we do this to God when He allows certain scenarios in our lives?  Do we try to second guess Him and start a quarrel with Him as if you are a fair weather friend?  When things go well, I'll trust you Father God but if they don't, see you later - much later.

May we allow the Word of God and His Holy Spirit to penetrate our hearts and minds to learn more of His attributes and come to greater understanding of His ways in general and His working in our lives in particular.  Let us not assume He doesn't care any more.  Instead, may we be transformed by the renewing of our minds as we feed on His Word, obey Him and learn more knowledge of God as we continue to grow our relationship with Him even through dark times.  Let us carry on, as Jesus carries us on.

When we learn of all the judgements which will be perpetrated upon earth and all those who reject Jesus, let us not assume it is 'unfair'.  Let us begin to come to understand God more and accept His ways even when we don't understand Him.  Just wait, watch and see.  The Judge of all the earth will do what is right (Genesis 18:25).

                                                         ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Habakkuk 1-3.

Sing, Psalm 4, along with Assumption Antipolo Komusikasyon.  Sing prayerfully as an offering of commitment to Him.

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