Sunday, June 11, 2023

Resurrection Power

 "Bring the crash cart, STAT!" shouted the doctor.  Nurse immediately scrambled for it whilst Doctor performed CPR.


"150 joules!"

"Stand back, all clear!"

And a jolt of joules coursed through the patient's body.


"200 joules..."

"Stand back."

Pumphf!  Another joules' jolt.

And the moniters began to record pulse and heart rythmn again.


"Another one saved," smiled Doctor, relieved.

It's not so easy to resuscitate a person in cardiac arrest, but not impossible with today's machines and technology.  It makes me smile though.

Compare that with the resurrection of Jesus Christ after being in the tomb three days.  On the third day God's mighty and awesome power was exerted and raised Christ from the dead.

No expensive equipment needed and NO cost to the patient, I might add.

This was God's,

"incomparably great power" (Ephesians 1:18-23 especially vs 19 NIV).

The power of God believers in Jesus Christ have is the same that is at work in us through His Holy Spirit.  Thank the Lord for this power, not so we can make a name for ourselves, but to realize that when we are weak, He is strong.

Ask for His wisdom and revelation for what He wants you to do and know so that we can do exploits for Him in Jesus' name and through His almighty power (Ephesians 1:16-17).  Give thanks with a grateful, beating 💓.

In so doing our spiritual life in and with Christ will be resuscitated and revived time and again.  This is the richness of His gracious inheritance we have in Christ.

Sing then as the days go by and we live for Him.  Some day soon we will go to be with Him forever.  Let us make our days count for Him.  After all, His mighty resurrecting power works within us.

                                                        ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Ephesians 1:15-23 NIV.

Sing, Resurrection Power, along with Christ Tomlin.

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