Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father's Day 2023 - Father Who Fathers - For 18 June 2023

When  Father's Day comes round, it, not surprizingly, gets you to think of fathers and a lot of sentimental nostalgic-y stuff about them.  Oh, I suppose to think of your own father or lack thereof and what kind of man and father he is or was swirls through the mind as well.

Ironically, Mother's Day last month got me started thinking of my own dad, the standards, the rules and regulations he set for my siblings and I.  One thing to say is that he practiced what he preached and we could not find many loopholes out of stuff very often.

That was good even when we may not have appreciated all the abundance of standard at the time.  With the bar set high, stress and strain to survive and live up to them was a challenge

A good relationship is always needed to manage such a way of life.  The father - the man - the standard - for all other men who may dare to enter our lives and to be measured thereby, by his offspring.  This must be rather a frightening responsibility for any responsible father.  And when he is fruitful and multiplies, the fright increases incrementally with the number of children.

Dads are so, so necessary to the wellbeing of a child though.  Dads who are caring and present when they are present and who are just and kind, impact positively for life, big time.

Dads, you need to know this, not just in theory.  YOU. ARE. NEEDED!  Moms, let Dads do their thing.  

Here's a quote by someone named Rick Lefe (I stand to be corrected if anyone knows for sure) that brings this message home,

"The power of a dad in a child's life is unmatched".

You better believe it!

It could be for better or for worse.  I have witnessed the devastating result upon children when the dad abdicates his responsiblity and the home.  It makes one's heart weep.  

Dads, you are needed!

There are so many aspects to being a dad and it may be overwhelming at first but, you guys can do it and do it with aplomb.

Here's a verse for you that will hopefully give encouragement as you execute your role in your child's life.  

"The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him"  (Proverbs 23:24).

Please take note that 'fathers' is not a noun in the second part of this verse!  It is a verb - an action word!  Who is it who's pro-creating and then fathering a righteous and wise son?  It's the father who fathers!

May all fathers reading this have great joy and rejoicing today and all the years ahead despite all the parenting challenges.  Go for it!  God your Heavenly Father walks with you.

                       HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, to all DAD'S! 

                                                        ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Proverbs 23:24.

Sing, My Father's Love, along with Hymns and Praises.

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