Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Put Your Faith Into Action


We can't be lopsided Christians.  We say we have faith, therefore we must have works, taking action to show that our faith in the Lord Jesus is genuine.  When we really believe in Jesus, we must change from our old habits that are not good and do good things.  This is called "Faith and Works".  We need the balance.

A train must have two rails upon which to run.  No monorails!  Similarly, when we say we have faith then we must show it in our lives.  We show it by the positive actions we take.  For example, praising and worshiping the One who died for us on the cross and the One who sent Him to buy our pardon from our sins' penalty.

When we have fear, we place our trust in His hands.  Cry out to Him in Jesus' name.  Fears such as of dying some painful death or by drowning, let not fear overtake but trust the One who died for us.

Do what's right like telling the truth.  Today is Father's Day (18 June 2023).  Will you follow the old ways of lying like your old father Satan, the father of lies?  OR, will you be a truth-teller now?  Jesus is 

"the Way, the Truth and the Life" (see John 14:6).  

God is Truth.  Will you follow your new Father?  Give God the best Father's Day by making it a habit to tell the truth always from today onwards.  Also to say good words that help and heal others; no more bad words, foul language, name calling and curses.  

Use kindness like the example in James 2:14-18.  If you see someone who is hungry don't say, "God bless you" and then walk away.  That's wrong action.  Feed the person and do whatever other necessary kindness for him or her and then say, "I do this to show you God's love.  He loves you.  'Be warmed and filled' in Jesus' name".

That is showing your faith by your actions.  That is doing as Jesus would do.

If we don't change it is like looking into a mirror at some dirt on our faces but then going away without doing anything about it (see James 1:23-25).  If we don't do anything about it to change our old bad habits, it could indicate we really DO NOT have the faith we claim to have.

If you see a homeless boy in the street, we'll call him Toby, how could you show him God's love?  You could be friends, share your things, invite him to Sunday School and/or your home and tell him about Jesus.  As said ealier about NOT walking away without helping as much as you can, you could give him some food, water, clothes and yes, even a home.  If you are a child reading this, ask a parent's help too in showing kindness to people like Toby.  

May the Lord bless all your efforts of this kind.  This is putting your faith into action.  Faith and works.

Another way to show our faith is to control our tongues.  Let there be no more bad words.  Always tell the truth and praise God.  Speak wisely and don't speak when you are angry (see James 3:1-12).

"When you have faith in God you must show good actions.  When you have the love of God, you must show it to others.  When we have fears, we must trust that God will take them away.  When we hear God's Word, we must obey His Words.  When we have prayed to God, we must believe that He will answer" (Kawan Grace Resource P4b Lesson 7  The book of James).

We must not deliberately sin.  If we say we have repented and accepted Jesus as Savior, we followers of Jesus must change.  Learn self-control and let the Holy Spirit help us to change for good, to put our faith into action and say N-O to everything that's wrong, no matter how tempting to do what we shouldn't. 

To close, think upon these words of God from the book of James,

"As the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without actions is dead" (James 2:26).

Lord, Your love has sought and found me.  All my praises be to you.  In love you came to save my soul, you sent your Holy Spirit as your seal and guarantee of Your return for me and all those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus and His work on the cross.  You are the anchor of my soul now.  Help me now to show Your love  and my faith in You through actions of truth and kindness.  In You I put my trust.  In Your name Lord Jesus I praise and ask for Your help.

                                                  ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Kawan Grace Resource P4b - Lesson 7 - The book of James; James 1:23-25; 2:12-19; 3:1-12.

Sing, He is Lord, along with Michael Bethany.

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