Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Book Review - Sewing Quiet Books - By Lily Zunic - Publication Date: 21 June 2023

 I'm not a very gifted handicraft type person at all but I sure do admire those who can turn out handcrafted wonders.  Such 'wonders' can be found in this book - they are quite amazing and appear straight forward to make, that is, the "quiet books" for young children.

What a novel idea in these days where parents start their children so young with handphones and such devices.  How great it would be to introduce young children to a lovingly crafted (by a mom, aunt, and/or a grandparent and the like) intriquing, hands-on book of sensory delight, games and intellectually engaging experience.  This type of gift would be so invaluable, I believe and something I would have liked my own children to have had when they were young.

Details such as fabric or felt choices, stitching tips, patterns/templates ideas for designs, basic 'how-to' instructions and lovely pictures, including teaching how just about anyone could fashion a 'quiet book' for busy young hands.  Go for it!  I might even give it a try.  Ha!

                                          ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           May 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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