Friday, June 30, 2023

Wickedness Goes On and On BUT Judgement Comes in God's Timing


Habbakkuk was not my favorite book to read nor prophet to think about.  In fact, I thought it rather boring.   And then, the way some people pronounce his name is not the way I do, so there is that pet peeve.  Ha, ha.  In all seriousness however, because it is part of God's Word, I read the three chapters.  It's short and sweet, so one can read it in one go in less than about ten minutes.  Try it.

Ah.  Did that, done, check it off and move on to something more gripping and meaningful to me.  Well, lately I've got my reins jerked back by a book I'm reading about the book of Habakkuk that forces me to see this man and his book in better light.  It's actually amazingly enlightening and convicting.

It is so relavant to today and the parallels are so acute.  Wickedness in today's world is as rampant as it was in Habakkuk's day and one can therefore understand his anguish, complaints, and frustrations with God's supposed tolerance of it all.

In a nutshell, the nation of Israel had become so unrepentantly and unapologetically wicked to the point Habakkuk couldn't stand it and wondered why God was tolerating it so long.

It seemed God was not even listening to him even though he'd talked to Him about it (see Habakkuk 1:2-4).  There was so much violence, destruction, strife, paralyzed law, no justice and justice perverted.  That's when God gave the very surprizing answer you may be takenaback about by and rebel at as did Habakkuk.

God got him kind of excited at first by saying, 

"I'm going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if I told you!"

Would you assume something really good was about to happen?  Something like maybe the king suddenly repenting  after reading some of the Pentateuch, discovering all the laws God had given to Moses for them to follow and about all the potential blessings and curses for accepting or rejecting God and His laws.  It had happened before, it could happen again, right?

Wrong.  This time was very different.  God had had enough and told Habakkuk so.  He was going to sic the rabid Babylonians upon Israel (see Habakkuk 1:6-11).  That was like a ten ton truck had smacked into Habakkuk.  He never, ever expected God to do that!


"God!  That is too harsh!  The Babylonians are worse than the Israelites!" he gasped.  
"God, do you see what they are like!"  

Well, yes, God did, He even listed their resume.  Impressive qualifications for joining up with a gangster gang.  Look at the list:  

"ruthless; impetuous; feared, dreaded, swifter than leopards; fiercer than wolves; swoop to devour; deride kings, scoff at rulers, laugh at fortified cities" (Habakkuk 1:6-11).

They couldn't care less about others and would just bulldoze their way through with no mercy.

Sound like a country you know nowadays that feel they rule the world?  I'll let you decide the answer for yourself.

Habakkuk lamented again.

Such judgement would be terrifying and a horror to watch!  Can you visualize the massacre, bloodshed and brutality?

Seems Habakkuk harbored some rebellion in his heart about this but said he'd stand on the "ramparts" and wait for God's answer to this complaint (Habakkuk 2:1).

There are times when we may feel similarly to Habakkuk.  We see all the violence and wickedness and wars happening in our day and hate it.  Why, must it go on and on?  We know there is Judgement Day coming and may even feel that the punishment is harsh.

Some people even get angry when they find out about Hell being their destination for rejecting God and His offer of salvation.  Do we, as believers in Jesus Christ, feel terrified for these people at the coming wrath of God?  Do we?  Do we feel rebellious about it?  What are your current emotions?

Remember God is Sovereign.  Ask the Lord to open your heart to feel and see His pulse.  Be repentant of this rebellion against Him and His coming punishment upon unbelieving people.

God gave the people of Israel ample time - years and years; and ample warning - prophet after prophet.  It's been about 2000 years since the message of salvation through Jesus Christ began to ring out.  Many lost their lives in proclaiming God's message of love to the people in their generations starting with the apostles who had gruesome deaths.

How about us, now?  Evangelism is still needed prime time.

God's answer to Habakukk's second complaint was to tell him to write it down and get a "herald to run" with the warning message, yet again (see Habakkuk 2:2-3).

Our one and only Sovereign God is mighty and awesome.  He is in control.  Knowledge of His glory will fill the earth.  It will be swamped with it on  the coming day when Jesus comes the second time.

As believers in Jesus Christ we are the ones to fill the earth and proclaim His message to the ends of the earth, starting at home?  Our testimony is a start along with our belief system.  Number 1, Do you truly believe God is Sovereign?  Number 2, If you don't, how will you then accept His Word even about end times?

It's good to look into each of God's attributes.  Can you name any?  The book I was reading gave a little exercise.  Get a piece of paper and a pen handy.  For the next 10 seconds list as many of God attributes off the top of your head as you can.  Even if it ends up only one or two, that's ok.  Once the 10 seconds are up, stop.  Lay your pen down.

Ok...Start...10 secs.  STOP.

See what you have.  Work now with whatever you have.  Choose your favorite attribute.  Now write out why that is, in your journal.

If we go through each attribute of God we can think of and maybe search the internet for others, then take each in turn, learning the meaning and how you can relate to Him in this way.  You will discover closer connection to God.  You will know more of His glory.  This glory will begin to flood you and out to the earth in greater measure.

My favorite attribute of God is that He is just.  God is just.  This means people will get what they deserve, which may not sound too Chrsitan of me.  It does let me relax and let God handle it.

It's more human, I suppose.  When people wrong us, we like to see justice done.  Yet we do know that God's mercy is more and the day of grace is still now!  We too can show forth mercy, grace and forgiveness.  In time to come, God will set all things right.  Trust Him.

Habakkuk had to.  See his prayer in chapter 3.  In God's 

"wrath he strode through the earth and in anger threshed the nations" (Habakkuk 3:12-13).

God's sovereign justice will come.  The nation Babylon who punished Israel, will be held accountable (Read history and the book of Revelation).  Nations nowadays that lord it over the earth and other nations, still plowing through like bulldozers, will also stand before the throne of God.

Trust Him.

I've been praying almost since the beginning, that the Ukraine-Russian Conflict be stopped by God, pronto!  It hasn't yet.  I feel Habakkuk's frustrations.  Think of all those who have died because of it, been maimed physically, mentally and emotionally because of it; those who have been raped, human trafficked and more because of it and so on and on.  And recently in the news, we heard that President Zelensky is advocating marijuana use for his citizens to help numb the pain from war trauma!  WHEN is it all going to stop!?

Then the years spent praying on behalf of our unsaved relatives seem to go unanswered.  We've prayed for them for donkey years but nothing seems to move.  We are afraid for them.  Yet they take offense at our telling the full gospel message.  Pray that in God's timing all will come to Christ.  The decision is up to them.  We have to accept God's consequences for whatever choice those relatives and friends make, as awful as it may be.

Are you all out for Jesus?  Do you give only part of yourself to Him?  God wants us either hot or cold; not lukewater (see Revelation 3:15-16).  Give your all, or nothing, to Him.  Surrender to Him.  Habakkuk looked at God's Sovereignty and his heart did what it needed to do in order to surrender.  Those are marvelous words of giving his 'all'.  

Read Habakkuk 3:16-19.  Read a second time; third if you like.  He made his choice, 

"yet I will rejoice in the LORD,"  and "I will be joyful in God my Savior" (vs 18). [empahasis mine]

We may not always understand God's ways, after all, He's so much BIGGER than us.  His thoughts are not ours.  They are bigger and higher than ours could ever be (see Isaiah 55:8).  We can choose to be joyful in the Lord come what may.

So, give your all, or nothing.  Choose.

Peter had this quandary but I like his before and after shots.  That is, before and after Pentecost.  Before, he was rather an impetuous and foot-in-mouth type of person.  Although I believe he meant well, mostly.  He, along with the other apostles and disciples were afraid.  They'd locked themselves up tight into the Upper Room for fear of the Jews.

The Lord 'tasered' them with His Holy Spirit and all Heaven, so to speak, broke loose.  Peter boldly proclaimed the message of Jesus, and in one session around 3000 people came to Christ.  We know from history that Peter suffered for his faith in Christ to the point of martyrdom.  History records Peter died upsidedown on a cross.

The things like his denial of Christ during Christ's trial, was something that could have hung over his head, marring his testimony.  He met with Christ post resurrection and got it sorted out with Him.

How about us?  Do we have anything, a sin which so easily besets us - that can and does mar our testimony?  Anger?  Temptations?  Unforgiveness?  Rebellion?

Look up and read Hebrews 4:12.  Really read it.

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

Do you surrender yourself to the Holy Spirit's sword - the Word of God?  See if there be any thing in you as indicated from God's Word.  Invite the Lord to examine your heart, thoughts, and attitudes.  Make it right with Him.  Surrender.  Either, all or nothing.  Let God's word transform you.

Write out a prayer about it.  Prayers of confession, repentance and acceptance of Sovereign God's ways.  Pray it until the Lord works wonders for you in your thoughts and attitudes of heart.

As your 'all' becomes more all encompassing, praise the Lord so that the whole earth will be filled with His glory (see Habakkuk 2:14).  May your acceptance bring you joy as Habakkuk found by his good choice.

The parallel to Habakkuk's day to ours can be seen in the coming judgement.  Israel's of that time was the Babylonian attack.  Today, its the second coming of Christ.

As Christians we often look forward expectantly and happily to the 'Part 1' of His coming again.  I'm talking about the rapture, which I believe in.  The trumpet blast, and Jesus' call from the clouds, "Come" and up we go in a blink of an eye to be with Him forever.

Later, we join Him in His coming all the way back to earth, the 'Part 2' - second coming.  the Second Coming is the fearful thing.  For Habakkuk, the Babylonian advance.  For us today as we stand there, figuratively speaking, with Habakkuk on the ramparts watching things unfold, on our present world, we should be fearful for all the unsaved.  Their JUGDEMENT IS COMING! We know not neither the day nor the hour.  Only God does.

In the meantime, actively seek to proclaim the full message of Jesus - salvation and the consequences of rejecting Christ.  It's petrifying to think of.  Remember that our Lord is Sovereign so have reverent fear of Him despite it all.

Pray fervently and persistantly for you loved ones to accept Christ. Don't mar your testimony.  Surrender all to Him.  Be joyful in hope and the Lord until He comes.  Let the Lord be your strength as we await God's timing.

                                                      ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Habakkuk 1-3.

Sing, Habakkuk Song, along with Dinesh Stephen.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Prayer - All or Nothing


Father God, may the whole earth be filled with Your glory.  I know one day when Jesus comes the second time He'll come in glory and majesty and so the earth will again be filled with knowledge of You in a more pure and perfect way.

Through Your Holy Spirit bring me knowledge of my 'all or nothing' tendencies so I can surrender them to You, so I can say "It is well with my soul."  Those sins which so easily beset me despite Your Holy Spirit's indwelling and convictings, may I surrender to You.  Let me be more like the Peter after Penecost than his impetuous 'all or nothing' character from beforehand, even though he often meant well.

I know I fly off the handle easily.  Others have their temptations and foibles.  Help us to have the Spirit's self-control and patience so we can emulate Christ's nature and fragrance.  By Your grace, to You I submit these sins.  I confess them and long for Your transforming power to work from the inside out.

Your church needs this too, oh Father.  May there be revival in individuals and then collectively in our churches, which are supposed to represent Jesus for all the lost of the world.

  In Jesus name I thank You for your forgiveness, yet again.  

Thank You Father.

                                                    ~ERC  June 2023~

Sing, Goodness of God, along with Hillsong, Bethel Music.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Prayer - Trust You Still

Father God, the whole earth belongs to you!  You are the one and only Sovereign God.  May the whole earth and its peoples be filled with knowledge of You for You are great!  May each individual be swamped with Your love and knowledge of You for in You we can put our trust and never be afraid.  All the truth You give us, especially of Jesus who is Truth and whose Word is Truth; so that we can trust and not be afraid, even when we don't get the answer to our prayers we so hope to have.  May I trust you still.  You are the ever faithful one, my eternal God, Father and Savior.  In Jesus' name I give You praise and my trust.

                                                     ~ERC  June 2023~

Sing, Sovereign, along with Chris Tomlin and It Is Well With My Soul, along with SovereignGraceMusic.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Swamp the Terror


Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, rejoice in the LORD, be joyful in God your Savior.  Let Him be your strength, and move your feet with the gospel of peace, like a deer that treads on the heights (see Habakkuk 3:18-19).

Sing, Christians, sing!

Sing, at the cross of Jesus where all your sins have gone.  Sing, at the cross of Jesus where all your punishment has gone.  Sing, at the cross of Jesus before it is forever too late.

Our world is in no fit state, evil increases daily just as badly as in Habakkuk's day.  Judgement is coming.  We will escape but it'll be terrifying for those who have not gone to the cross for redemption of their souls.

TERROR.  Violence.  Destruction.  Strife.  Conflict.  Justice does not prevail.  The wicked hem in the righteous more and more.  Just this wickedness alone is terrifying but when God's judgments descend, the terror will be more manifold upon the individual as well as the nations who have not sought God in repentance.

Can you stand by on the ramparts now and visualize what's going to happen?  Can you blame God that it will be so harsh while we 'righteous' ones live by His faithfulness to us?

Our sins and iniquities tauted Him.  He made us righteous through our faith in His Son Jesus.  His Holy Spirit filled us and brought us knowledge of the glory of the LORD, in abundance, 

" waters cover the sea" (Habakkuk 2:14).

The knowledge and His love swamped us.  Will we keep it to ourselves?  Will we stand by silently now?!  OR, does this galvanize us into evangelizing before the fullness of God the Righteous Judge's wrath brings unquenched terror upon the wicked and upon our unbelieving relatives who do not yet know Christ as Lord and Savior.

As we reach to take the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine in remembrance of our Savior's death and rescue from such coming terror this Lord's Day, be grateful, thankful and sing your praises to Him who spared us the coming horrors.  

People like horror stories but this is not one to play with.  Therefore, go forth and proclaim this message of Jesus before it is forever too late.  

May this terror be overcome with joy in their Savior.

It will be terrifying to stand by and watch if not, but the Lord of all the earth does right.

                                                     ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Habakkuk 1-3.

Sing, Rescue the Perishing, along with Islington Baptist Church.

Friday, June 23, 2023

No Assumptions


If there was a woman screaming in rage at the site of a body of a man spewing blood from a mortal-looking wound and lying on the ground, what would you think?  Moreover, the woman was gripping a knife that was dripping blood.  As you had approached she ran away.  Would you immediately assume she was the culprit of the stabbing?

She is the murderess?  OR, she was the loving wife who came upon her stabbed husband?  OR?

We all make many snap judgements and assumptions by an 'appearance' or 'stereotyping' of a person or situation.  Often our conclusions are wrong.

I think my first, snap presumption would have been that the man was a criminal and maybe the woman, humanly speaking, was justified in her actions.  Others would call the police and give a description of the woman as the murderess.  Nine out of ten passersby would likely feel the same.  However it could have been the pair were victims of foul play and the woman ran for fear of her own life.

When we don't know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, nor even try to ascertain the truth, we can do a lot of damage.  Do we do this to God when He allows certain scenarios in our lives?  Do we try to second guess Him and start a quarrel with Him as if you are a fair weather friend?  When things go well, I'll trust you Father God but if they don't, see you later - much later.

May we allow the Word of God and His Holy Spirit to penetrate our hearts and minds to learn more of His attributes and come to greater understanding of His ways in general and His working in our lives in particular.  Let us not assume He doesn't care any more.  Instead, may we be transformed by the renewing of our minds as we feed on His Word, obey Him and learn more knowledge of God as we continue to grow our relationship with Him even through dark times.  Let us carry on, as Jesus carries us on.

When we learn of all the judgements which will be perpetrated upon earth and all those who reject Jesus, let us not assume it is 'unfair'.  Let us begin to come to understand God more and accept His ways even when we don't understand Him.  Just wait, watch and see.  The Judge of all the earth will do what is right (Genesis 18:25).

                                                         ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Habakkuk 1-3.

Sing, Psalm 4, along with Assumption Antipolo Komusikasyon.  Sing prayerfully as an offering of commitment to Him.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Put Your Faith Into Action


We can't be lopsided Christians.  We say we have faith, therefore we must have works, taking action to show that our faith in the Lord Jesus is genuine.  When we really believe in Jesus, we must change from our old habits that are not good and do good things.  This is called "Faith and Works".  We need the balance.

A train must have two rails upon which to run.  No monorails!  Similarly, when we say we have faith then we must show it in our lives.  We show it by the positive actions we take.  For example, praising and worshiping the One who died for us on the cross and the One who sent Him to buy our pardon from our sins' penalty.

When we have fear, we place our trust in His hands.  Cry out to Him in Jesus' name.  Fears such as of dying some painful death or by drowning, let not fear overtake but trust the One who died for us.

Do what's right like telling the truth.  Today is Father's Day (18 June 2023).  Will you follow the old ways of lying like your old father Satan, the father of lies?  OR, will you be a truth-teller now?  Jesus is 

"the Way, the Truth and the Life" (see John 14:6).  

God is Truth.  Will you follow your new Father?  Give God the best Father's Day by making it a habit to tell the truth always from today onwards.  Also to say good words that help and heal others; no more bad words, foul language, name calling and curses.  

Use kindness like the example in James 2:14-18.  If you see someone who is hungry don't say, "God bless you" and then walk away.  That's wrong action.  Feed the person and do whatever other necessary kindness for him or her and then say, "I do this to show you God's love.  He loves you.  'Be warmed and filled' in Jesus' name".

That is showing your faith by your actions.  That is doing as Jesus would do.

If we don't change it is like looking into a mirror at some dirt on our faces but then going away without doing anything about it (see James 1:23-25).  If we don't do anything about it to change our old bad habits, it could indicate we really DO NOT have the faith we claim to have.

If you see a homeless boy in the street, we'll call him Toby, how could you show him God's love?  You could be friends, share your things, invite him to Sunday School and/or your home and tell him about Jesus.  As said ealier about NOT walking away without helping as much as you can, you could give him some food, water, clothes and yes, even a home.  If you are a child reading this, ask a parent's help too in showing kindness to people like Toby.  

May the Lord bless all your efforts of this kind.  This is putting your faith into action.  Faith and works.

Another way to show our faith is to control our tongues.  Let there be no more bad words.  Always tell the truth and praise God.  Speak wisely and don't speak when you are angry (see James 3:1-12).

"When you have faith in God you must show good actions.  When you have the love of God, you must show it to others.  When we have fears, we must trust that God will take them away.  When we hear God's Word, we must obey His Words.  When we have prayed to God, we must believe that He will answer" (Kawan Grace Resource P4b Lesson 7  The book of James).

We must not deliberately sin.  If we say we have repented and accepted Jesus as Savior, we followers of Jesus must change.  Learn self-control and let the Holy Spirit help us to change for good, to put our faith into action and say N-O to everything that's wrong, no matter how tempting to do what we shouldn't. 

To close, think upon these words of God from the book of James,

"As the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without actions is dead" (James 2:26).

Lord, Your love has sought and found me.  All my praises be to you.  In love you came to save my soul, you sent your Holy Spirit as your seal and guarantee of Your return for me and all those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus and His work on the cross.  You are the anchor of my soul now.  Help me now to show Your love  and my faith in You through actions of truth and kindness.  In You I put my trust.  In Your name Lord Jesus I praise and ask for Your help.

                                                  ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Kawan Grace Resource P4b - Lesson 7 - The book of James; James 1:23-25; 2:12-19; 3:1-12.

Sing, He is Lord, along with Michael Bethany.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Book Review - Sewing Quiet Books - By Lily Zunic - Publication Date: 21 June 2023

 I'm not a very gifted handicraft type person at all but I sure do admire those who can turn out handcrafted wonders.  Such 'wonders' can be found in this book - they are quite amazing and appear straight forward to make, that is, the "quiet books" for young children.

What a novel idea in these days where parents start their children so young with handphones and such devices.  How great it would be to introduce young children to a lovingly crafted (by a mom, aunt, and/or a grandparent and the like) intriquing, hands-on book of sensory delight, games and intellectually engaging experience.  This type of gift would be so invaluable, I believe and something I would have liked my own children to have had when they were young.

Details such as fabric or felt choices, stitching tips, patterns/templates ideas for designs, basic 'how-to' instructions and lovely pictures, including teaching how just about anyone could fashion a 'quiet book' for busy young hands.  Go for it!  I might even give it a try.  Ha!

                                          ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           May 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Book Review - The Bucharest Legacy - By William Max - Publication Date: 20 June 2023


This book comes on the coat-tails of the first in a series, The Bucharest Dossier.  And just when you think you've come full circle to a happily-ever-after ending, this story throws a curve ball at you as happened in the former book.  You'll just have to read this intriguing tale to come to the conclusion's beginning.  There's plenty of cloak and dagger and spy work happening with Bill Hefflin once again at the helm. The intrepid Catherine also makes an appearance, so beware.  

One doesn't often read historical fiction works about such countries as Romania as this one does, so it is 'novel'.  The time-frame is post-revolution and all the aftermath turmoil with embroiled oligarchs, henchmen and spies.

What's not to love about this second in a series chronicle?  I think readers will be just as interested in it as the first.  Although it's a 'stand alone' work, there would be better connection if a reader could read the first in the series, I felt, and was glad I had had that privilege.  There are discussion questions  at book's end as well as a brief history 'lesson' regarding the book's time frame setting and the political situation of that time.   Note that some of the more intimate scenes I could definitely have lived without reading, so other readers may take exception to these limited episodes.  Overall, I'd say William Maz has got himself another winner.

                                                  ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                    April 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

The Thessalonica Letters

 Locate the first letter to the Thessalonians and find chapter 5.  Read verses 1-11.  Now think, while waiting for an important event to happen what do you do to prepare for it?

If the event is a birthday party, you'd want to shop for and wrap gifts; invite friends; make a cake and decorate it; decorate the venue; create a menu and cook it, among a hundred and one other things on a to-do list.  As the date approaches the flurry and scurry increases until all prep is done and then you can celebrate in style and relative ease.

It behooves us nowadays to prepare for that great second coming of Jesus event.  Back in the apostle Paul's day, he actively and thoroughly prepared by going on missionary journeys.  On his first one he went along with Barnabas (see Acts 13).  This was shorter in nature, and closer to home than the later two.  If you look at Bible times maps you will see.  It was only on those second and third trips that Paul, along with Silas, reached as far west as Thessalonica in Greece (see Acts 15:36-18).

They traveled in combos of by land and by sea.  Mammoth journey's in those days.  There was no easy flying jaunt of today's long-distance travel.  Their journeys were fraught with great dangers yet they had the heart and grace of Jesus to press on.

The Holy Spirit helped Paul and Sials to understand the Word of God and teach the Thessalonians the gospel of Jesus Christ and how to live according to the Spirit with Christian living and hope of Christ's return.  The Thessalonians in turn taught their fellow citizens and so on.  

After all this hard work and the establishment of an assembly in Thessalonica by these brothers, Satan of course, could not leave well enough alone.  God's enemy made trouble stirring up persecution.  Being cruelly and unjustly treated is one of Satan's tactics against believers in Jesus Christ, even in today's world.

However, Satan being the father of lies, also uses more sneaky methods of dividing and conquering.  Among the Thessalonian believers, false teaching crept in.  Somehow, the rumor that Jesus had already come the second time began to infiltrate and cause anxiety and confusion.

Because the false teachers said Jesus had already come, then no one else could be saved.  It's too late to accept Jesus as Savior.  These lies worked like poison, hampering and killing any evangelisteic efforts and any comfort of assurance in Christ.

When Paul heard about this, he was unable to visit Thessalonica.  Instead, he wrote them letters.  This is how we now get to read 1st and 2nd Thessalonians.

As we read and study these letters we find hope once again.  Jesus has not yet come.  One and all peoples of the earth can still come to salvation through Jesus Christ.  We still await His glorious day.

As we study these letters and of course, the whole of God's Word, be sure to do so well and in context.  Allow the Holy Spirit to teach and guide you into all truth and to undersand His Word correctly.  When Satan's lies come your way, you will then be equipped to know the difference between them and the truth of God's Word more adroitly.  You will not be easily fooled by the wiles of the devil.

We still have the Rapture to look forward too.  In my mind I say this event is like Part 1 of the second coming of Christ.  This is that wondrous event when believers in Jesus Christ will go up to meet the Lord in the air.  There will be a trumpet blast, Jesus will say, "Come."  In the blink of an eye, those who have accepted Jesus as Savior will join Jesus in the clouds and then together, go to Heaven to be with Him forever, in a never-ending celebration of joy (see 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

Part 2 is when we all come back to earth with Jesus when He comes back as Judge of all the earth.  He'll come in power and majesty, the King of kings and Lord of lords.  The whole earth will know Him and bow their knees to Him (see Revelation 1:5-8).

Sadly for those who have rejected Jesus since the time of His death, resurrection and ascension (from His first coming), He will reject them.  This is what He will have come to judge and ascertain.

NO ONE KNOWS though when this time will come, except for God.  It will be like a thief in the night.  No one knows when he will strike.  We just have to be sure to lock our doors and have as much security as possible in place.

Similary, all peoples of the earth must prepare for this second coming of Jesus event.  Salvation by repenting of one's sins, saying sorry to God and asking Jesus to wash away your sins with His blood.  Jesus accepts this and forgives your sins with His blood.  Jesus accepts this and forgives your sins and gives you eternal life and His Holy Spirit to help you live a life to please Him and to understand God's Word.  This is just like Paul, Silas, the Thessalonians and the myriads of people since those ages past.

Now you can tell your family and friends and maybe even go on missionary journeys as Paul and Silas once did.  Now is the time.

Jesus has not yet come back.  Be ready.  When He does come, that is time when it will be forever, 'too late'.  This is the truth.

For now continue to put your faith and trust in the Lord.  Read and study God's Word thoroughly so you will be able to discern Satan's lies from God's truth.  Continue to love and honor the Lord and obey His word.  Do your best in all of these, even in continuing to share the message of Jesus to one and all.

"May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you" [all] (1 Thessalonians 5:28).

                                                     ~ ERC  June 2023 ~

Based on Kawan Grace Resource P4b Sunday School Lesson 7 - Letters to the Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11).

Sing, When The Lord Comes Back, along with Christian Media and Soon and Very Soon, along with Sunday Choir by Andrae Crouch.

Father's Day 2023 - Father Who Fathers - For 18 June 2023

When  Father's Day comes round, it, not surprizingly, gets you to think of fathers and a lot of sentimental nostalgic-y stuff about them.  Oh, I suppose to think of your own father or lack thereof and what kind of man and father he is or was swirls through the mind as well.

Ironically, Mother's Day last month got me started thinking of my own dad, the standards, the rules and regulations he set for my siblings and I.  One thing to say is that he practiced what he preached and we could not find many loopholes out of stuff very often.

That was good even when we may not have appreciated all the abundance of standard at the time.  With the bar set high, stress and strain to survive and live up to them was a challenge

A good relationship is always needed to manage such a way of life.  The father - the man - the standard - for all other men who may dare to enter our lives and to be measured thereby, by his offspring.  This must be rather a frightening responsibility for any responsible father.  And when he is fruitful and multiplies, the fright increases incrementally with the number of children.

Dads are so, so necessary to the wellbeing of a child though.  Dads who are caring and present when they are present and who are just and kind, impact positively for life, big time.

Dads, you need to know this, not just in theory.  YOU. ARE. NEEDED!  Moms, let Dads do their thing.  

Here's a quote by someone named Rick Lefe (I stand to be corrected if anyone knows for sure) that brings this message home,

"The power of a dad in a child's life is unmatched".

You better believe it!

It could be for better or for worse.  I have witnessed the devastating result upon children when the dad abdicates his responsiblity and the home.  It makes one's heart weep.  

Dads, you are needed!

There are so many aspects to being a dad and it may be overwhelming at first but, you guys can do it and do it with aplomb.

Here's a verse for you that will hopefully give encouragement as you execute your role in your child's life.  

"The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him"  (Proverbs 23:24).

Please take note that 'fathers' is not a noun in the second part of this verse!  It is a verb - an action word!  Who is it who's pro-creating and then fathering a righteous and wise son?  It's the father who fathers!

May all fathers reading this have great joy and rejoicing today and all the years ahead despite all the parenting challenges.  Go for it!  God your Heavenly Father walks with you.

                       HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, to all DAD'S! 

                                                        ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Proverbs 23:24.

Sing, My Father's Love, along with Hymns and Praises.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Feeding Your Spouse


Recently I heard,

"...the wife feeds on her husband's love and the husband on the respect his wife gives him."

Yeah, that was at a wedding.  The pastoress based this on,

"However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband" (Ephesians 5:33 NIV).

This may get some of your backs up because you've not gotten the level of love or respect you expected of your marriage partner.  It's all well and good sentiment on the wedding day where 'love is still rather blind' but as the days, weeks, months and years roll by, it wears really thin and he or she has done things that make you rescind on that love and respect.  The forgiveness-commodity quotient is at a premium, all-time low.

In God's dictionary, 'love' is unconditional, and perseverence is one of the characteristics of His love.  For believers this is the 'should' and 'ought' of the matter where the better or for worse element kicks in.

I'm not talking about an abusive situation but the everyday choreography within a marital relationship which can spiral down.  The love-respect dynamic can indeed become a vicious cycle of better or worse, with less give and more take.

If a couple wants to make a faithful sustaining go of their marriage for the long haul, keep feeding your spouse his/her love language whether it's love or respect, in the forever maze after you've fed him/her the wedding cake.  It's one of the very best gifts you could give each other.  It's the way to keep the kettle boiling and the coffee percolating.

Go feed your spouse.  😃

                                                      ~ERC June 2023~

Based on Ephesians 5:33 and a wedding admonition.

Sing, Together, along with Steven Curtis Chapman.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Epitaph


You might say this is an angry outburst, and tell me not to let the sun go down upon my wrath.  I'd like to think this is righteous anger, however, and God will sanction this outburst.  May He forgive me if I'm out of line.

Is it so difficult to gain an interest in the Savior and the good deeds He prepared for us to do (Ephesians 2:10) after our salvation?  Where are the spiritual men and women, but especially men, of God, who felt God's amazing love was for them once upon a time.  It 'used' to be so wonderful to have salvation through the blood of Jesus and His infinite grace and live for Him, so where are these believers now?

A little storm and trouble in their lives and away they go?  Poof!  Was the soil of their hearts so thorny the good seed got choked?

Do they not realize the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling them?!  The dynamic power - think of that...'dynamic' plus 'power'.  Men of God RISE UP!  Where are you?  We sisters need you to do so.  One and all need to mature!  Our gatherings of believers are sick and dying.  Get your act together.  Jesus went through a lot for you!  Where are your full baskets?

Peter, John, Andrew, Thomas, Philip, James and the other apostles, and last but not least, the apostle Paul - they went the whole nine yards and then some for Christ.  Where are you today's brothers-in-Christ?  Please wake up and rise up.  

Have you forgotten you are servants of the most high God?  You've come into His family by the "gift of God's grace" (Ephesians 3:7)?  Have you flung this gift back into His face because you want to pursue your own interests?

Get with the beat!  Repent of your complacency, apathy, doing-your-own-thingy things.  Do you know the cost and price God paid for your salvation?  It was COSTLY GRACE - the life of His own dear Son!  

What are you paying for your service for Him?

What are you paying to be the spiritual leader in your own, supposedly, Christian, home?  What are you paying to be the spiritual leader in your own church setting?

Rise up if you call yourself a man of God.  RISE UP!

Approach God with freedom and confidence to give you  what you think you lack.  BUT have a willing, obedient heart.  Have ears that hear and do something for Him.

Yes, I am ranting because I am so, so, so disappointed and depressed with the men who could but don't become the spiritual men they are duty bound and responsible to be among the saints of God.  STUDY the Scriptures.  Let the Holy Spirit be your coach, guide and counselor that He is.  


"Now unto Him who is able to do immearsurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us..." (Ephesians 3:20).

His incomparable power is at work within you, brothers.  Let Him do His work.  Don't give Him a hard time.  Don't quench the Spirit.  Listen and obey and rise up!  Give Him the glory and time by being pro-active in your personal spiritual life, in the spiritual life of your family, and in the life of the church.  Also in your workplace realm be, 

 "salt, light, and spiritual leader". 
 May this be the epitaph you leave in, and at, your wake.

                                                   ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Ephesians 3 and a grieving heart for the men of God who need to come to their spiritual senses and full potential in Christ.

Song, Rise Up, O Men of God, along with, sorry, it seems only to be the Mormans that sing this so well.  May those who follow Jesus Christ through salvation in Him alone and not salvation by works lest any should boast, take hold and let this be their motto song for service to the Lord from now on until Jesus comes.

Monday, June 12, 2023

An Important Official Comes to Christ

 The Holy Spirit of Truth and God work in many different ways on the behalf of the believer in Jesus Christ.  One of those ways is the help us understand God's Word and be able to explain it to others.

This is exactly what Philip did.  The Holy Spirit told him to go into the desert.  There he found an Ethiopian official riding along in a chariot, reading from Isaiah.  Philip trotted along beside the chariot and asked if the man could understand what he was reading.  The God-fearing Ethiopian man said he couldn't unless someone would explain what Isaiah was talking about.

As Philip said he could help, the Ethiopian invited Philip to come and sit beside him in the chariot.  He was  agreeable, as after all the Holy Spirit had directed him to the man.

This man who was humble, so it it seemed despite being an important official to the Queen of Sheba, had been up in Jerusalem to worship God there but as yet didn't understand about Jesus.  He was reading from Isaiah 53 and especially verses 7 and 8 which read,

"HE was like a sheep that was taken to be slaughtered, like a lamb that makes no sound when its wool is cut off.  He did not say a word.  He was put to shame and justice was denied Him" (Isaiah 53:7-8 NIV).

So the man asked, "What does it mean?"

Philip explained that when the men put Jesus on the cross, Jesus didn't say a thing in His own defense.  He just kept quiet.  This whole thing was unfair with false accusations bashed about and more, but Jesus went through with it all because He loves you.

Yes!  That's right...because He loves you and wanted to be able to save you.  For you to be able to have your sins washed away and bring reconciliation between God and man; He did this for you.

"The good news," Philip told the Ethiopian man, "is that Jesus rose again on the third day.  He is alive!  He went back to Heaven but will come back to earth again.  We do not know the day nor the hour, just that it is "soon".  So he and all people of the Earth must get ready by repenting of our sins and accepting Jesus as Savior.

The Ethiopian man believed in Jesus and was baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Why must a believer be baptised, you may ask?  It's because Jesus asked us to.  In obedience to Him  our first act of obedience as a new creation in Christ is to be baptized.  The Ethiopian man declared,

"Yes, I believe with all my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and accept Him as my Savior."

This is music to God's ears and there is great joy and rejoicing in Heaven over such repentence  (see Luke 15:7).

This is a prime example of obedience in Philip too in going to the desert to help the man.  Who would want to go to a dry, hot desert place with poisonous snakes and wild animals voluntarily?  Not too many people.  The Holy Spirit helped Philip understand and to explain God's Word, so he went obediently.  He had a divine appointment to meet.

In our day, when we accept Christ, we will have the Holy Spirit indwell us, helping us understand and to explain the Bible.  Ask Him for His help .  Don't be shy.

Will YOU accept Christ?  Today?  If you haven't already done so, be eager and willing like the important official.

If you are looking for a prayer to say in order to come to Christ, you can pray the following which I adapted from a Sunday School Lesson.  Pray with sincerity.

"Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that you are God's Son.  I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and that you rose again on the third day.  Jesus, you are alive!  I know I'm a sinner.  I am sorry for all the sins that I have done.  I repent.  Please forgive me and wash all my sins away with your blood.  I ask you to come into my life to be my Lord and Savior.  Thank you for the Holy Spirit who helps me to do right things.  I want to be ready for when you call us up to be with you in Heaven.  Thank you for loving me and making me Your child. Amen."

All this is good news of Jesus and it is for EVERYONE!

After the Ethiopioan understood Isaiah 53, he believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, he was baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

You know how he felt then?

He went home full of JOY!

He had been like a sheep that wanted to go his own way but because the Lord laid his sins on Jesus, he could have that burden removed and with joy received salvation through Jesus Christ (see Isaiah 53:6).

                                                        ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Kawan Grace REsource P4b Lesson 4.

Sing, Hymn of Joy, along with Chris Tomlin.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Resurrection Power

 "Bring the crash cart, STAT!" shouted the doctor.  Nurse immediately scrambled for it whilst Doctor performed CPR.


"150 joules!"

"Stand back, all clear!"

And a jolt of joules coursed through the patient's body.


"200 joules..."

"Stand back."

Pumphf!  Another joules' jolt.

And the moniters began to record pulse and heart rythmn again.


"Another one saved," smiled Doctor, relieved.

It's not so easy to resuscitate a person in cardiac arrest, but not impossible with today's machines and technology.  It makes me smile though.

Compare that with the resurrection of Jesus Christ after being in the tomb three days.  On the third day God's mighty and awesome power was exerted and raised Christ from the dead.

No expensive equipment needed and NO cost to the patient, I might add.

This was God's,

"incomparably great power" (Ephesians 1:18-23 especially vs 19 NIV).

The power of God believers in Jesus Christ have is the same that is at work in us through His Holy Spirit.  Thank the Lord for this power, not so we can make a name for ourselves, but to realize that when we are weak, He is strong.

Ask for His wisdom and revelation for what He wants you to do and know so that we can do exploits for Him in Jesus' name and through His almighty power (Ephesians 1:16-17).  Give thanks with a grateful, beating 💓.

In so doing our spiritual life in and with Christ will be resuscitated and revived time and again.  This is the richness of His gracious inheritance we have in Christ.

Sing then as the days go by and we live for Him.  Some day soon we will go to be with Him forever.  Let us make our days count for Him.  After all, His mighty resurrecting power works within us.

                                                        ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Ephesians 1:15-23 NIV.

Sing, Resurrection Power, along with Christ Tomlin.

Lord's Day Devotion - Jehovah Nissi

Do people know, LORD, that Jehovah Nissi is the banner over Your children's heads?

Above Your Son Jesus' head while He was on the cross was,

"Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" (John 19:20).

It wasn't meant as a compliment, rather as a goad to the Jewish religious leaders.  However, it was Jesus' 'Banner of Love' for His human creatures.  A banner of redemption and recompence on the "whosoever will's" behalf.

"Those who have received Him and believed in His name, have the right to become God's children - born of God" (see John 1:12 & 13).

We have Him as our banner, not just something written but Someone as our Great God and Father, full of light and love and grace - all HIM.

Father God, Jehovah Nissi, we bow in reverent awe and silence before you, too overcome to speak more...

In tiptoe quietness we ponder upon your love and grace, you lavishly poured out upon us, apportioning it in just the correct amounts as we each need, equipping us for your service.  May we keep your banner in place and wear it like a bejewelled crown, reflecting Your Jehovah Nissi love.

Finding our voice, we lift our heads and thank You Father.  We do remember Jesus now, hands trembling some as we reach for the broken bread and drink from that wine-filled cup.  We're not shaking in fear but in overwhelming love that Jesus should bleed and die for us.  What's more, that this King of kings and Lord of lords should do so for such as us, for me!

Praise You, He has risen and ascended back to You, praying for us, on our behalf, again.

Thank You for this protective banner of love.  Your slightest wish is now our command.  In Jesus' name I praise You, Jehovah Nissi.

People of God, this Lord's Day, let us go forth confidently holding this banner as we march double-time into His service He has equipped us for, so we can reach maturity in our faith and knowledge of the Son of God who gave Himself for us.

Is this not motivation to be spiritual leaders in Christ and live holy, blameless lives?  Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, sing His praises with Jehovah Nissi held high until He comes.

May our hands be lifted high to Him as we

 "attain the whole mesure of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13).

                                                   ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Ephesians 4; Exodus 17:15.

Sing, His Banner Over Me is Love, along with NeverFailsHisPromise.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Morality - Social Issues Facing the Church - VIOLENCE

When I think about violence, it makes me shudder.  People all around the world experience it whether on a city street, country lane or between warring countries.  According to the dictionary, violence is described as...

 "behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage or kill someone or something."  

This Oxford Language Dictionary further explains, that it is also 

"strength of emotion or of a destructive natural force."

Either way, pray "God have mercy on the victims!"

Most people are well aware of the various forms violence takes, such as:  murder, fighting, riots, vandalism (eg. torching homes, buildings); physical assault; verbal (hate speech); intentional bodily injury:  kicking, punching, shoving - most of which is propelled by bitterness, liquor, hatred, rage and the like.

In this "study", based on Rob Harbison's Lesson Guide entitled, "Moral Issues Facing the Church", we'll delve into more reasons perpetuating perpetrators use violence and see what God has to say about it.  In this day and age, as in ages past, violence is very much alive no matter where you may travel and you may feel violence is increasing in occurence even in so-called "small sleepy towns".

Violent people often beget violent people.  Indeed God's Word tells us about the human heart.  Jeremiah wrote,

"The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desparately wicked..." (Jeremiah 17:9-10 NLT).

It is a travesty and when a person grows up in a violent environment, it is difficult, although NOT impossible to disentangle from it.  Self-interest, fear, stress, a sense of losing control, being frustrated, responding to aggressors, feeling unheard, and brain injuries are a few contributing factors that often cause people to become violent.

I don't want to leave this thought stuck in that scenario, so I'll add that many do manage to overcome and remove themself from toxic situations.  It is a mammoth challenge, so I've read, but not impossible.

Briefly, here are some major contributing factors.  Racial tensions, for one.  As the saying goes, 

"Birds of a feather flock together..." 

and often for protection against said violence and racial tensions but also because greater and mutual understanding among your own species can be more easily promoted.  However, when one group gets suspicious of another and/or misunderstands the culture and intentions of the other, biases can percolate.  One group begins to lord it over the other and suddenly violence erupts and both factions use their brawn instead of their brain.

Being able to cherish ones own cultural and ethnic traditions gives people their identity.  There is need though, to work at some integration to promote peace and harmony.  America used to be termed, "a melting pot" as many from the "Old World' wished to forge a more 'successful and peaceful life'.  The pioneers worked hard at it to become "American", while still maintaining their ethnicity and traditions but adding infusions from the others in their foods, dances and so forth.  'American' was the summation.

Nowadays it seems more like a "tossed salad" where each wishes to push their own agendas, snubbing others in the process.  One can 'pick out' and throw away the ingredients of a tossed salad so much easier than from a melting pots' condiments.

Due to racial tensions, frustrations filter to the top.  Anger begins to ominously simmer, waiting to erupt like a volcano into violent, aggressive 'lava,' consuming whatever and whomever happens to be in their path.

Anger breeds hatred, and lack of self-control and understanding produces unrighteous, violent behavior and following one's own interests.  Lack of respect for another is another by-product birthing out-of-control emotions, be they physical, emotional and/or verbal onslaughts.

Low self-esteem can bring out all these aspects including feelings of defeat, blaming others and so the vicious cycle spins and spawns another round of violence.

When a person doesn't get what they want, for example, an inheritance or being overlooked for promoted at work let's say, feelings of entitlement can be stirred up and create contempt, breeding anger leading to violence.

It's exceedingly strange and a crying shame though that for a country such as the USA that was built on biblical principles and morals by its founding fathers, to have become so decadent and could such a thing have happened?

When truth is rejected, people will believe a lie, replacing God's ways with their own ideals, which are more often than not, less than ideal.  They live according to their own laws and when they don't get what they want, they feel entitled to throw tantrums without observing the stop and/or yield signs that guard behavior, taking matters into their own hands - often in the form of violence.  This, especially when weapons are so easily obtained.

Ever hear of the term "group mentality"?  This would be like in a society, cult, gangs or even a cheerleading team.  It could be a good thing but seems mostly to conjure up negative vibes.  According to, "group mentality" is,

"the inclination that some human beings have to be part of a larger group, often neglecting their individual feelings in the process, and adopting the behavioral actions of the people around them."

For instance, a gathering to grieve, protest or cheer on a sport's team where a crowd can easily and quickly adopt a "group mentality" be it favorable or otherwise.

In the advent of a gang, it could be the only 'family' they have where loyality bonds are bound and members actually more or less 'care' for each other.  Feelings of affinity arise in an individual that they'd never had before with their own biological family.

Relating this to how "group mentality" contributes to violence, gangs, gang rapes, riots, vandalism and the like, it happens if those in the group come to believe that a certain way of behaving will ensure being in the 'in crowd'.  Bullies' sidekicks are very much under peer pressure to take the bully's actions as acceptable.   In all the negative forms, individuals in groups can be easily swayed to violence even if it hadn't been their original inclination.  Peer pressure sprouts 'loyalists' even when there is misplaced adherence.

Violence need not be entirely of a physical nature.  There are mental and emotional forms.  Verbal abuse can be powerful in devastating children and adults alike.  The old adage,

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me,"

is not really true.

Put downs, constant shouting and being called negative terms such as 'stupid' or 'no good', being humiliated in the presence of friends, and/or co-workers by heartless people hurt and break hearts and peoples' spirits.  Intimidations and threats of violence garner fear in victims.  They become easily controlled and manipulated to the perpetrators' will (

Mental and emotional forms of abuse intertwine, often occuring when someone says or does or is overprotective and/or guilt-trippping another to make that person feel stupid and worthless.  Spiritual abuse can be an example of such when there are threat-causing, fear-causing consequences of stepping out of line especially of the 'unwritten rules'; for example, being excommunicated and ostracized, which is devastating.  Therefore, a perpetrator could use a person's spiritual beliefs to manipulate, dominate and control them (

Mental violence can be created by isolating a person from others, using verbal aggression, threats and intimidations hurled at them, harassment and stalking, humiliation and defamation each become those heavy dark clouds upon the victims' heads.  Name calling, withholding affection and making threats all add mental stress to what an individual is made to endure.

As it is mostly not of an overt nature - mental and emotional, along with spiritual abuse are all that much more abusive.  Outsiders cannot visually see the evidence, like bruises and broken arms as seen with physical violence.  An individual on the receiving end of all these need to know that "it's NOT YOUR fault"!!  It is the perpetrator's evil machinations and you should get away, escape, if at all possible.  Get help! (

Vandalism is the urge to damage and destroy and be motivated from a variety of triggers.  These could be anger, rebellion, retaliation, political motivation, peer pressure as form of entertainment especially in those less than 18 years old and of the male species (   Sometimes vandalism is used against people the vandalizer cares about perhaps as retaliation for some strict, yet loving parental correction and discipline (

Further motivation towards acts of vandalism could be the 'group mentality" to show "masculine 'prowess', toughness, towards 

"initiation into a gang, and in a competitive situation by those not inhibited by moral constraints against damaging public targets and because this crime requires little knowledge or organiztion and little threat of being caught"( Vandalism & ITs Preview)

As you can see, the motivations behind vandalism can range from sheer abandon of relinquished inhibitions with little risk to being caught, to a pre-meditated, planned letting lose to serve some political gain.  Whichever the indication it is sinful and criminal activity.

God's Word warns, 

"But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out" (Numbers 32:23 KJV).

It may not be found out by human beings but Jesus is comng back to earth the second time as Judge of the living and the dead (see Acts 10:42). He knows everything, sees everything and takes note of it all.

People out there, please know that God does care for you and wants you to come to Him NOW, in repentance.  He reaches out to you because He loves you.  He is ready for you to come in sincere repentance and accept His free gift of salvation.  He'll forgive all your wrong doings.  He'll send you His Holy Spirit to live in you to help you do what's right and good.  Come to Him through Jesus today.  There is this hope held out to you to live a righteous life with His help.

Since The Fall of humankind in the Garden of Eden via Adam and Eve, mankind's sinful nature continues to perpetrate sin and evil actions of all kinds.  What is even more psycologically deviant is when some people torture others, the deviant enjoys the violent acts along with the suffering of others.  Some of us cannot comprehend this, but gauge yourself if and when you watch violent movies, or see a major car crash.  Do you enjoy all the kicking, punching shooting, knife-fights and the like or the blood, guts and gore?  On a scale of 1-10, 10 being "the most enjoyable" - where are you at?

Despite movies being "pretend," they depict violence and the brutal side of human nature left to its own devices.

Some people enjoy violence as it fulfills some emotional need, or they themselves have been recipients of violence at the hands of abusive parents; or it makes the perpetrator feel powerful and in control.

People love to get revenge - it's human nature, they say.  They love to hurt those who have hurt them.  They deal without the forgiveness and it eats at them, consuming their lives.  That is the price despite any enjoyment that may be had seeing their former assailant and perp squirm and feel the heat now the shoe is on the other foot.

One thing I learned while going through this study was that torture was actually 'invented' to deter crime!  How twisted is that!  I guess there are people who would think twice about commiting crime if they knew they'd be tortured if caught.  The conclusion is then that torture must be a good thing as it deters crime (  Sarcastically speaking here, its better to be the torturer than the tortured.  It's either him or me and since it's not me at this time, I'd better enjoy the suffering of others, after all, they deserve it.

If a murderer and/or rapist of a child is being tortured - wouldn't the parents be glad of that!  Some recompence is being administered.  Wouldn't they love seeing the one who caused pain to their dear child in the past, now be the one in pain and hurt?  Wouldn't they enjoy this and feel the satisfaction of finally getting some 'justice' served, as simply allowing the perp to linger on death row and only after many years being put to death by hanging, lethal dosage or in the electric chair?  This would not be enough!  

Our human nature would likely totally agree.  Yet those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior will have to eventually pull on the reins of such thought lines and listen to Holy Spirit conviction to forgive.  It would not be easy, especially if it had been your own child or best friend who had been attacked and assaulted.

Jesus Christ suffered, bled and died for us.  He endured torture, whippings, cruel mockings for OUR sake.  We had sinned.  He was atoning for OUR sakes and sins.  Do you see Him dying there - crucifixion was considered the worst kind of punishment for a criminal to endure.

The soldiers hung Jesus between two legitimate criminals, thus insinuating Jesus was one too and the brains behind the crimes.  Yet Jesus hung there for you and for me.  Like a sheep being shorn, He opened not His mouth to defend Himself.  He took the full heat (see Isaiah 53:7-8).

Many passersby enjoyed that scene.  There was a small huddle of disciples and Jesus' mother who were pained in their hearts though.  Are they angry at you because of what your sin did to their dear, precious friend and son?  Well, they too needed this - it's true.  But can you get the picture?  Do you get the 'feel'?

As believers in Jesus Christ, having Him as our Savior and Lord we have experienced His forgiveness for all the sins, small and great that we have done.  When we  love our neighbors as ourselves, it encompasses us and behooves us to forgive even the most dastardly and heinous of crimes against us and our loved ones.

True, it is NOT easy to forgive.  I understand this full well!!  However, if we are children of God and wish to walk in step with the Holy Spirit and become increasingly Christlike, pray to the Lord to help your heart come to the point of being able to forgive and to be able to put it into action to declare the words, "In the name of Jesus, I forgive you for ___________" (that is, for whatever the crime or offense had been commited) to the perpetrator.

This would be a huge act of demonstrating God's love for your neighbor.  God's amazing love and grace working in your life and shining forth.  May the Lord help us all!

I believe most of us can agree that rape is as much an act of violence as it is of lust.  It is a very rough act, disrespecting the victim, devastating physically, mentally, emotionally, as well as sexually.  Rape violates the victim which equates, violence!

Violence can be fun to some people as it creates tension and suspense that is appealing to some.  Again, think of violent movies people like to make and watch.  So much action - doesn't it repulse you?  Or do you think it fun?

One 'quora' quote goes like this...Violence,

"comes from the 'animal' part of our brain which in most people is overcome by the more rational side that then feels empathy for those that may be hurt" (www.quora I Devise Pleasure).

'Animal' part - isn't that the sinful nature?  The fallen nature?  The human nature?  Call it what you will, it needs redemption and then hopefully, the Holy Spirit-filled believer will find no pleasure in being a perpetrator of violence, nor will he or she enjoy another being violently sinned against - even if we may think the individual deserves it.

Cruelty and brutality are definitely sins.  They do not, should not, characterize a believer in Jesus Christ.  These elements of evil do not show love and kindness to others.  In fact, they are very godless behavior.  Those who engage in cruelty and brutality love only themselves and take pleasure in harming others (see 2 Timothy 3:3).

As Romans 1:28-32 explains, people who do not, "think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God" will be filled with all kinds of evil, "greed and depravity...and invent ways of doing evil..."

Regardless of having once known what was right in God's eyes, they did not feel it worthwhile to maintain such knowledge!  How exceedingly sad this is!

There's that old saying that when a person rejects truth, they'll then believe a lie.  Satan is the father of lies and delights to do evil.  His offspring follow him.  When one abandons God's righteousness, they will prefer evil over good.

Think of the motivation behind Cain's violence.  There was jealousy and anger.   God even spoke to him about those feelings he was harboring but Cain didn't desist.  Thus, his murdering of his brother Abel.  No repentance only remorse was a result (see Genesis 4:1-8).

Simeon and Levi's motivation for cruelty and violence was their anger and fury, which boiled and raged into cruel fierceness and the killing spree they perpetrated upon their sister Dinah's rapist and his people.  Unchecked anger left a blood bath trail (see Genesis 49:5-7).

God hates violence.  He takes note of it.  There will be consequences.  God knows who is in power, who is oppressing whom, who is perpetrating violence and evil.  He knows who will need to be answerable to Him.  He sees who does what and how they've administered or neglected serving justice and allowing people their rights.

God will put an end to it all.  There will be severe consequences.  Look at what He did in Noah's day!  He sent The Flood.  Water covered the whole earth.  All the people were wiped out except righteous Noah and for his sake,  his wife, his sons and their wives; eight people out of how many millions (see Genesis 6:5-7, 11-13; Ecclesiastes 5:8)!  If only the people had repented!

God had regretted He'd made mankind but He put and end to violence.  We're told in another place that He will 

"rain fiery coals and burning sulpher; a scorching wind will be their lot" (see Psalm 11:4-6).  

God the righteous judge means business.  He hates those wicked ways and brings severe judgment upon them.  You just wait and see.

We can be reminded that vengence (and taking revenge) belong to God.  He will be the One to repay (see Deuteronomy 32:35 & Romans 12:19-21).

As alluded to earlier, the second greatest commandment is to,

 "love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39).  

If one is loving in this way, then violence is definitely not consistant with loving ones neighbor.  Intimidation is also a form of violence coming under the mental and emotional abuse type of violence.

The Roman soldiers asked Jesus what they should do better.  Jesus went straight to their jugulars, so to speak.  This is what He told them,

"Don't extort money and don't accuse people falsely..." (Luke 3:14).

The Romans were the ones with the power to enforce the law and often did so inappropriately.  I wonder if they ever asked Jesus for any other advice after that. Hah!  Perhaps some of them were instrumental in his 'so-called' trial and crucifixion.

Coming back to rape as being an act of violence as much as of lust, we discover what God told the Israelites how to punish the offender.  If the rape had happened out in the country where the likelihood of anyone hearing the victim's screams were close to nil, then only the man would be stoned to death.  The Deuteronomy 22:25-26 verses state that the woman,

"...has commited no sin deserving death..."

Wow, don't you love that God places the blame squarely where it belongs!

However, if the rape had happened in town where screams were more likely to be heard, then both the man and the woman would be punished by being stoned to death.

Justice in both instances was dealt.  It is good to see that the man is to be blamed and must take the consequences of his violent sin in both country and town cases and both partners in the town case equally.  By contrast, some places in this world, even today, forever put the onus on the woman.

Ladies, it's VERY important to SCREAM, if at all possible!  Some may freeze from fear and fright so please put a pre-emptive thought into your mind to SCREAM!  I pray none reading this will ever, ever be in such a situation however, do what you can to help yourself if you are.  

Again though, God held the man responsible for the terrible situation (see Deauteronomy 22:23-24).  Law makers the world over should take note.

There was a question asked, "explain how divorce can be considered a violent act even though no physical abuse is involved".  This surprized me.  I had never considered it before.  Malachi 2:16 spells it out explicitly,

"The man who hates and divorces his wife...does violence to the one he should protect."

WOW!!  That is very directly honing into the issue.  In fact, the verse has been double-rubber stamped with, 

"says the LORD the God of Israel"


"says the LORD Almighty."

God let His will be known in no uncertain terms.

This husband is supposed to be protecting his wife but because he is hating her instead, he's creating emotional and mental violence.  Even though there may be no physical violence, violence mentally and emotionally can, and is, just as tormenting and violent.  The Lord Almighty is witness to it all (see Malachi 2:14).

God is witness.  Be sure your sin will find you out (see Numbers 32:23)!  Things done in the dark will be exposed to the light (see Luke 12:23).

A violent person who terrorizes others will not get away with it.  Judgement day will come.  So 

"don't be deceived, God cannot be mocked" (see Galatians 6:7-8). 
 A person will reap what he or she sows.  Their trouble will recoil upon them (see Psalm 7:16).

Victims may feel like there is no justice and God - if there is one - has abandoned them or doesn't even care.  Yet if you take time to read these verses carefully you'll see a violent person will not get away with his violence and terrorizing even if it may appear God is not doing anything about it now.  Read the verses and see that justice will eventually be served.  The verses such as:  Galatians 6:7-9; Pslam 7:16; Psalm 140:11; & Habakkuk 1:2-3).  Read them all for yourself.

May they bring some healing to your devastated hearts.  Know that the perpetrators will 

"reap what they have sown."  

This is the principle that will eventually catch up with those who love violence and perpetrate it.  Thank God for it but be ready to be forgiving as well.  Forgiving not to let them off the hook, but to free yourself from the whole range of negative emotions to which you may have been or may yet still be held captive.  Don't allow violence to breed violence in your heart and mind.

Easy to say, I know.  Pray for God's help through the Holy Spirit's dynamic power to come to such a moment of release.

In Noah's day, God found him to be the one and only righteous man to stand in the gap and to build the wall for Him, which took the shape of an ark.  God does not want to destroy His handiwork but when oppressive violence continues to violate, God is not going to let it slide.  He needs you, brothers and sisters-in-Christ, to be on His side, to stand up with Him, to be that salt and light in the world, to be that wall that protects and defends and stands for righteousness (see Ezekiel 22:29-30).

Further to this, God's looking for even just one, get that - just one, if possible, to stand with Him.  Are you up for it?  Pray for the salvation of wicked people in general, and those you know in particular.  As salvation takes hold in a person, the number of violent people will be minimized, mimimizing violence and building protection against violence.

For example, watch-keeping against human trafficking and those willing to rescue those who are being trafficked along side experienced rescuers.  Are you willing to give care, support and protection after the victims have been rescued?

This is only one huge avenue of wall building and standing in a gap.  Ask the Lord to direct you to where He wants you to stand, protect and pray with Him.

It may feel that this world does not know when "enough is enough," rather that the limits have expanded further and further, encompassing and allowing greater and greater violence.  Violence appears even more apparent whether with guns, knives, atomic weaponry or drones.  The heart of mankind is continuously perverse wielding violence as if it were a candy cane or black magic wand.

Yet praise be, God does have a limit.  He said iu Ezekiel 45:9,

"...You have gone far enough...Give up your violence and oppression and do what is right..."

Again, God does have a limit and will eventually bring in His justice.  Victims may wish that it happened here and now!

It is not an easy thing to be asked to be patient when you've been violated and sinned against, often throughout your whole childhood and/or marriage.  

Yet know this, God is witness and He has a limit.  He will bring justice into the equation.  He makes all things beautiful in His time.  As the prophet Isaiah wrote,

"He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion - to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.  They will be called oaks of righeousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of His splendor" (Isaiah 61:1-4 NIV).

I may be guilty of repeating myself but let me emphasise, God warns evil men that when they carry on with their nefarious deeds, they will be eventually stopped.  As believers in Jesus Christ, being salt and light in this world, we have responsibility to do what we can to minimize the violence especially on behalf of the victims' lives.  God is on our side.

The better way then violence is love - God's kind of love, that is.  Love that is unconditional and has many facets such as being:  patient, kind, gentle, not proud, not envying, always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres and never fails (see 1 Corinthians 13:1-7).

The love of God is shown and demonstrated through God's children, out to one and all.  This love can be the catalyst to bring healing to the wounded and to bring down violence.  However, the word 'persevere' may be very key to overcoming evil with good.

Life is never easy and is fraught with so many difficulties.  A good way to stay out of trouble and out of the middle of violence is to not even step a toe into it in the first place.  Curiosity killed the cat and it might not be able to extricate itself.  Don't be lured or misled into bad company.  Avoid it and do not travel in that direction (see Proverbs 4:14-17 & 1 Corinthians 15:33).  

"Those who play with fire, will be burned,"
 so the saying goes.

When a person totally abstains and doesn't ever give a hint of wickedness, they will be able to mostly stay out of trouble and out of the middle of violence.  Realistically, sometimes it finds you anyway, but at least, hopefully, violence would not be perpetuated by your hand.

Do not give wicked people an inch or they'll obligate you to go a mile and eventually, all in.  Seek God and discernment and His wisdom to know and detect the deception of the wicked.  Satan does act as an angel of light but the Holy Spirit can help you know and give you a sense of what the true picture is.

Think of the Arab story of the Bedouin Man and His Camel.  It's an almost perfect illustration of this.  Here's my adaptation thereof.

It was a cold evening in the desert.  The Bedouin tied his camel beside the tent then he crawled into the tent and snuggled onto his mat, ready to sleep.  He was about to doze off when he heard his camel ask, "Is it ok to just poke my nose inside the tent with you please?  It's cold out here and the air is making my sinus' contract."

"Ok," mumbled the sleepy Bedouin, "but no further."

A short while later Camel spoke again, jarring the Bedouin awake.  "Oh, Master, please let me also get my front legs inside, they are cramping from the cold."

Somewhat annoyed, but feeling a bit sorry for his camel, the Bedouin said, "Ok," and scrunched over a bit to allow his camel some space. 

Not long after dozing off for the third time, Camel inquired yet again.  "Oh kind Master, please let me come in all the way.  It's freezing out here!"  And without further ado, Camel crashed all the way into the tent, shoving Master outside.

None of us can be too careful.  Let's avoid violence in all its forms.  As I direct my words to those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, let's be aware of those around us who suffer at the hands of violent people.  Our minds often govern our behavior.  Meditate on this verse,

"The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Holy Spirit is life and peace" (Romans 8:6 NIV).

Help those who have been victimized by violence, stand in the gap and build protective walls along with our Almighty God.  Let us season our behavior and attitudes according to Christ's teachings, loving our neighbors as ourselves.  All glory be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

                                                       ~ERC June 2023~

Based on a Bible Study guide entitled, Moral Issues Facing the Church; Lessons by Rob Harbison, Lesson 14 - VIOLENCE.

Sing, God is Not Abusive,  from Common Hymnal, along with Brittany Spencer.

Lyrics to God is Not Abusive.

References (as best as I can remember):

Definition of Violence

Understanding How Frustration Leads to Violence

Mob Mentality

What is Emotional Abuse?

Nine Types of Violence and Abuse

Psychological Violence


Vandalism Information and Advice

Vandalism and Its Prevention

Am I a Bad Person - Quora

Of course, please review all Bible references given throughout the article.