Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Book Review - Season of My Enemy - By Naomi Musch - Publication Date: 1 June 2022

 Another facet of the unending parade of stories that march forth from the WWII power house of events and spin off is unearthed in this exciting historical work of fiction.  The awkward, happenstance of 'Nazi' PW's brought to USA soil and fobbed off on farming families and canning factories was kept low profile, hush-hush.  These often hated prisoner 'farmhands' replaced America's husbands, sons, and brothers who were away fighting this same enemy on their foreign turf.  Was it even kosher?  How about safe?  Would these PW's sabotage, steal, harass or worse?

Fannie O'Brien and her remaining family grappled with these questions, having to tolerate such coercion whether they liked it or not.  And how were her brothers faring 'over there'?  Were they being treated as well?  Constant mental turmoil, furrowed up on both fronts.  Could anything good ever come out of all this?!  Could she ever forgive these enemies that galled her one minute but elicited good will the next?  Could she ever trust God like her mother could for all they had to endure? 

Speaking of Mrs O'Brien, I really liked the idea that she had with her rocks of thanksgiving.  Another thing I liked  was the comaraderie Fannie had with her younger brother Jerry who were both forced to 'grow up' in a hurry as they dealt with the farm work and the tricky state of affairs with the PW workforce, trying valiantly to save their crops.

All in all a very good read; there is suspense notched up in increments that constantly kept one wondering "what ever's going to happen next!?"   Then there's that interesting, twisting but gentle and sweet turn of events that pulsed through Fannie's heart, for which she was unable to stem the tide.  Smiling contentedly, I'd say, "This is a very satisfying read, indeed."

                                        ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                     May 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and Barbour Publishing, Inc.

Read review on Goodreads.

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