Monday, May 9, 2022

The Best Vengeance

 Heavenly Father, we cry out to You because you hear us and answer our call.  Many rise up against us, but You arise and are our shield of protection against our foes.  Even in our darkest times that may often seem unending and darkness comes in waves that crash over our heads time and again, so that it seems we will never be delivered, You are there!

You are defending us.  That's why we call out to You, O Lord.  We can trust You and lie down and sleep.  All our cares, fears, worries handed over to You.  We awake again, refreshed because You sustain us.

Father we are not used to asking You to bring vengeance upon our enemies as David did in Psalm 3.  We do ask for justice and know that Your wrath will be upon those who don't repent of their evil ways and will get their just rewards in time to come.

The best vengeance we can think of is for our enemies to come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives and repent of their evil deeds.  Arise Father and work these miracles in our incessant foes.  Our deliverance comes only from You and so does theirs.  

Bless us and may Your blessings be upon Your people now and for always.  

In Jesus' Name I ask.

                                                    ~ERC  April 2022~

Based on Psalm 3 (NIV).

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