Sunday, May 15, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - FAITH Which Sees


It is from the Bible we hear the stories of Jesus and learn of His love for each of us.  The Bible is God's Holy Word which helps us see the love of Jesus, God's own Son, that led Him  to die for us, providing the salvation we each so dreadfully needed.  It is from the Bible we read, meditate and obey, discovering the ways we are shown, that pleases Him - to walk in His way and not our own.

Most of us have been given two eyes, to look to God and if either of them are diminished, we can still see with the eyes of faith to look up to Him.  We have been given ears to hear His word to receive what our Father has to say.  Willing ears of faith listen well.  The obedience shows faith when we step out in faith to walk with our feet in His ways, which will energize our two lips to sing forth His praise, speaking with Him and of Him and all He has done and is doing in our lives and in the lives of others.  Our two hands represent the obedience, the action of faith to do His will, and with our one little heart that loves Him still - love because He first loved us.

How do we know we even have a heart?  It is by faith, that even though we  cannot see it, we see evidence of it by each breath we take, each song of praise we sing, each movement our body makes.

FAITH ... small word, big meaning.  

Followers of Jesus Christ have been justified by faith, giving us the peace with God, I'll say it again, we each so dreadfully needed. Now God's love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us through the death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1).

It's like even trusting ourselves to a flight in an airplane.  Mostly we never see the pilot.  We board the plane, sit in our seat, buckle up and  prepare ourselves for the take off; pilot, sight unseen.  Does he or she even know how to get from Point A to Point B?  We trust they do!  Faith in another flawed human being and in one of their inventions!  How much more will we put our faith, hope and trust in Jesus and God our Heavenly Father!  They are perfect in every good way.

Jesus appeared to His disciples in that Upper Room after His resurrection.  Thomas wasn't there that first time.  When he was told by the other disciples that they had seen the Lord, Thomas staunchly wouldn't believe it.  He declared he had to literally see for himself and put his finger in the nailprints and in Jesus' side where the spearprint could be found.  He wanted to see before believing.

We all know what happened eight days later.  Thomas was there when Jesus returned.  Jesus, gracious as ever, bid Thomas do as he felt he needed.  I think Thomas could barely bear to do as he'd vowed to do.  Thomas proclaimed, 

"My Lord and my God" (John 20:28 NIV)!

Thomas saw and then believed.  Nowadays, we are among the blessed who...

"have not seen and yet have believed" (John 20:29 NIV). 

We are justified by our faith - believing before seeing - faith which sees.

Faith which is also a gift from God who only gives good and perfect gifts.  Let us all be encouraged to use our literal eyes, ears, feet, lips, hands, and heart, driven along in tandem with those of faith.  If any reading this do not have the literal body parts mentioned, then we use what we have in doing His will for us, still with those of faith, as do Joni Eareckson Tada and Nick Vujicic, who each have full lives of service to their Lord and God.

As we gather together to remember our Savior's death and resurrection this Lord's Day, ponder on what these nail and spear prints represent for us.  Pass the broken bread and cup of wine symbols of our dying Savior's love and risen Savior's victory - for each of us.  Praise Him for the faith we've been given to believe before we have seen.  Thank Him for all He has done for us, for you, and for me.

Thank Him in words and sacrifices of praise from our lips and obedient service for Him, with eyes, ears, feet, hands, and heart.  Thank Him too for leaving us His message of love which we learn of from the B - I - B - L - E!

Let us all have faith which sees.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2022~

Based on John 20:26-29 NIV and Sunday School songs: The B-I-B-L-E and Two Little Eyes to Look to God.

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