Monday, May 9, 2022

Book Review - The Surgeon's Daughter - By Audrey Blake - Publication Date: 10 May 2022


I do not have enough praises for this book!  The characters have strong backbones making the story strong and entirely believable.  In my opinion the authors have done an excellent job.  Their research task must have been mammoth but the pathos, the angst, the maddening frustrations, and deeply demeaning-of-women essence of the times as portrayed in this historical fiction, oozes out of the pages' pores and about knocks you over.  Like, "A female doctor?  NOT on my watch!"  

This was the general male reaction just as much as a female one.  Female doctors, female lawyers or female anything else should not be, except for ornamental housewives and/or mothers, being the acceptable vocation for any intelligent woman back in the day of the mid-to-late 1800's and early 1900's when these struggles came more to the fore.

The main protagonist Nora, overcame these great odds with the help of Horace, Daniel, Harry, Pozzi, Perra  and  the invincible M. Marenco and a handful of other cheerleaders such as Mrs. Phipps and Mrs. Crawford.  Together, this troop pulled together to overcome the tsunamis of prejudices against women and even against innovative male doctors.

Yes, there is an element of romance that threads its way throughout the narrative.  However, it does not supercede the main issues being addressed such as the woman being in formerly male-only positions, performing caesareans, trying to help diphtheria sufferers and so on.  Seeing how iron sharpens iron between the  characters is refreshing, in how they support and lift each other up for their good and to goad each other to do their diligent best and  succeed  with excellence.

The author of this book is labeled as Audrey Blake, yet this superb tale is the concoction and collaboration of two women in cohoots.  I hope they will co-author more historical novels to blow us readers out of our complacent chairs.  Women these days have much to be thankful for and it is well and good to have such valiant pioneers of the past who endured so much, documented in such memorable fashion and to help us realize what victories have been achieved, in great part, because of the courageous women of the past who stood resolute.  The Surgeon's Daughter is just such a monument.  Well done, Audrey Blake!

Since this story has some grit to it, there are some discussion questions to think through at story's end.  There's a spiel about the research material involved and referenced, along with the regular addenda of acknowledgements and about the authors' sections.  I hope any future readers will be as enthralled with this story as I have been.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        February 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion  based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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