Sunday, May 22, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Remember Him

People do many things for which they are remembered, some even legendary.  They leave legacies, or even scholarship funds "in memory of" and some more famous persons have busts or full statues placed in strategic places so people can remember them and what they have accomplished in their lifetime.  Some even have hospitals named after them and so on, hoping their memory lingers on.

Yet we've seen some of these toppled irreverently over in later years.  Angry people who do not remember or who do remember and therefore the anger surges and foments propeling them to eradicate what that statue represents.  All trace  of that "in memory" wanting to be destroyed and discarded; out of sight, out of mind.

Oh, or supplanted by another.  There is one county our family lived in once upon a time that had a statue of Winston Churchill in a prominent place in town.  He was eventually relegated to some musty museum storeroom (I assume).  There was someone else of greater 'current' eminence not wanting to be outshone.

Well, Psalm 103:15-16 tells us that mankind's days are like grass; the wind blows and the grass is gone, the place of the grass isn't even remembered anymore.   The remembrance of some famous or infamous people do linger on but are mostly forgotten unless someone else primes the pump of memory recall, like in history books or holidays in their honor, like Veteran's Day, St. Patrick's Day or even Queen Victoria's birthday, 

On the other hand, we have the very good news in Psalm 103:17-19 NIV, that GOD is from everlasting to everlasting and His love for us, the righteous made so by God because of our faith in Jesus and salvation through Him, is everlasting.  He has estblished His throne in Heaven where we are told neither moth nor rust will corrupt.  God's Kingdom rules over all.

How stabilizing is that!  How comforting!  We followers of Jesus will always have Him because He has us in His hand.  He has graciously asked us to remember Him in His death  and resurrection for what He did in the saving of our souls.  How often do we want to remember Him?  He requested,

"For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till He come" (1 Corinthians 11:26 KJV).

The choice is up to each of us to 'dine' with other brothers and sisters-in-Christ each Lord's Day or even more often, to show and remember the Lord's death and all He accomplished through His sacrifice for us.  Believers have been doing this for more than 2000 years now.  Let's continue to partake of that broken bread and drink from that cup of wine in memorial and truly remember.

Remember Him...

                                                      ~ERC  May 2022~

Based on Psalm 103:15-19 NIV.

Sng, We Remember, along with MartyHaugen.

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