Friday, May 6, 2022

Coming to Attention

 Let's talk about prayer, or at least something very related to prayer.  'Commune', is a better word I want to use in this instance, though.  Commune - that intimate conversation with someone, sharing thoughts and feelings.  Intimate, relaxed, just enjoying each other's presence in their company.  For instance, like when Mary sat at Jesus' feet.  She was sitting and listening.  We don't hear about her talking.  She was just bathing and basking in the Lord's presence, seeing what He had to say (Luke 10:38-42).

So I want to relate this to when brothers and sisters-in-Christ have ministries that take a lot of their time, energy, effort and get so busy and bogged down like Martha that maybe we forget to sit down and be still like Naomi said to Ruth in the book of Ruth, "Sit still, my daughter" (or for you, son, as the case may be), "until we see how the matter goes" (Ruth 3:18).

One thing I have learned about one particular organization that teaches Sunday school teachers a systematic, efficient and effective way to teach and reach children for the Lord, is that they do come together weekly, to pray.  This has been a testimony to me to sit back, step back and to pray.  Pray, not so much as a habit but as a way of life as much as eating and breathing are necessary to physical well being and life.  I haven't been much of a prayer person, so I'm learning from these brothers and sisters. 

A few weeks ago now, my Bible study group from our church looked at Psalms 1 and 2, where the Bible Study notes told us these two Psalms are like prefaces to praying.  Getting yourself ready to commune, ready to listen to what the word of God - to what God - has to say, so that we're not just spouting off a whole list of prayer points but we are actually communing; sitting still and communing with our Heavenly Father and learning from Him.

It's like coming to attention.  We have probably all seen military movies (or experienced it firsthand) where the soldiers in the barricks are just lolling about in down time.  However, when a higher ranking officer is announced, they suddenly all stand up, come to attention, salute ready, all ears waiting to hear what the officer has to say.

These two Psalms are that coming to attention.  It's David coming to attention before he goes into his main psalms of praise.  He has sat still listening to his Heavenly Father, now he's ready to commune. 

I want to pinpoint Psalms 1:2, where he says he, 

"...delights in the law of the LORD and meditates day and night."

I know of one sister who has said that meditation is to read God's word and to think about it but to get the full impact is to memorize the Word of God.  In the night watches of insomnia, we can then more easily fix our attention upon His word.  Yes, I know its difficult to those of us who may be in our senior years but we can at least give it a go.

Here's a fun analogy to meditating.  A cow has four basic stomachs (yes I know, actually 7 altogether), it eats grass, chews, swallows and regurgitates.  Then it placidly chews the cud as if 'meditating,' swallowing once again, 'the mix' then going into and being processed  through the other stomachs and on into its blood stream.  She stays still and rests.  Then the green grass turns into white milk.

This is how we hear God speaking to us.  He is speaking to us, communing through His Word.  We have to sit still, zip our lips, and LISTEN!  This is coming to attention.  Sitting up - saluting if we have to.  Come to attention in the presence of the LORD as we memorize and meditate and chew our spiritual cud.

Then we speak His word in praise.

I have a lot of trouble praising people so if I can't do that even for my own children and others, how can it naturally flow forth to our amazing God and Father!?  I've read a book about how to pray the Psalms and its helped so much to learn how to praise, and adore our Heavenly Father.  A launch pad to praise and worship and prayer!  David leads the way for us too.

Turn your attention to Psalm 23 verse 3 (NIV),

"He restores or refreshes my soul..."

When we have come to attention, we are feeding on God's Word, we are listening to the Lord speak to us though His Word and Holy Spirit.  When we are listening, and become more sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit we will be refreshed.

This is something I have been looking at the last little while, not really getting it into my spiritual DNA quite yet, but it has been in my mind and hopefully into my heart in due time.  Just want to encourage you all because when we get so busy and have so many distractions we need to put our distractions away -- minimize and/or elimiante if at all possible, and then sit still at the feet of Jesus and LISTEN.

Once we have gone through this and come to attention in His presence, sitting, and actually listening, then all our praise and worship can come forth and honor Him and we are refreshed.  We are refreshed and then we will know better what the will of the Lord is so that when we do pray our prayer list of prayers, petitions and requests we will know His will more readily and our desires will actually be more towards His.

Do you see what I mean?

I just leave this with you and may the Lord bless each of you individually and as a group of those who minister to our Heavenly Father's children, and to bring more into His kingdom.  God bless!

In Jesus name.

                                                 ~ERC  March 2022~

Based on Psalm 1, 2 and 23.

Sing, Times of Refreshing, along with Marty Nystrom.

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