Tuesday, May 24, 2022

What the Shepherd Does

 Although fear can be a good thing in some ways, acting as a warning against potential danger, other types of fear can paralyse.  There could be fear of death for yourself or a loved one; of widowhood; fear of loss of employment, finances and inflation; fear of war and all its devastating consequences, fear of sickness and  a whole bucket list more.  Let's walk through our deep valley's and pits of fear along with the Shepherd of Psalm 23, for some direction and relief.

"The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want" (vs 1).

Look at what this shepherd does.  He provides for his sheep - green pastures in which one  feels safe enough to lie down and rest in.  Quiet waters from which to drink - refreshing and does not drown.  Guides, keeping from harm and anger - keeping the sheep on the right path and from going astray.

Even in the midst of danger and enemies, there is provision - a table set.  The sheep enjoying the shepherd's goodness, love and mercy.  The shepherd-host being hospitable, preparing and sitting at  the table of mercy to eat and refresh.

When fears and troubles ignite around us and in our hearts and minds, our Shepherd protects, defends and provides.  There is a bold statement,

"I will fear no evil" (vs 4).

Talk to the Lord about your fears.  Pray them.  Then focus on the shepherd and what he does for his sheep.  The catalysts for troubles and fears won't necessarily go away but our fear can turn to trust in our shepherd Jesus, and only fear Him. 

 At present, what are your fears?

Turn to the shepherd who cares.

Be in His presence.  His presence is awaiting  us.  He is with us who fear Him.  He prepares that table in the presence of our enemies and I like to believe our Shepherd has already sat down at that table waiting for me.  So pray and name your fears, asking Christ your Shepherd and Christ your Host to relieve them.

                                                     ~ERC  May 2022~

Based on Psalm 23 NIV.

Sing, The Lord's My Shepherd I'll No Want, along with Stuart Townsend.

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