Thursday, May 19, 2022

Forget Not All His Benefits

 Don't you just love it when you have a definite answer to prayer in accordance to how you had asked?  I do.  It's euphoric.  For example, for about four years I prayed for a friend to find a dedicated-to-the-Lord husband.  Well, that husband-to-be found her, which is the more proper manner.  They are to be married in a couple of month's time, Lord willing.

Then there's the l - o - n - g term praying of more than thirty years for family members to come to Christ.  Recently, we learned that one did and she joins her son's family to church.  There was rejoicing in Heaven and on Earth over this good news for the Good News of salvation acceptance.

Not long ago, I learned from a Bible study*1 that Psalm 103 expresses the experience of salvation as opposed to the doctrine thereof.  Now, don't get upset, I know it's not all about the 'feeling' but in this case I want to explore what it feels like to be saved.  Humor me.

Having grown up in the very dedicated and devout Christian home, the salvation experience didn't seem to impact me much; the transition not clear cut.  I often felt like maybe I wasn't saved afterall.  It had been hounded into my siblings and I that  it is NOT a feeling but a decision of the heart and yes, there's rejoicing in heaven among the angels but we  are not to get too happy because, "it's NOT A FEELING"!  So, this is likely part of why the doubt and confusion as to one way or another regarding was I or was I not, saved.   Feeling had to be squelched and therefore, I did not feel.

In Psalm 103, I feel like the general expressions of David's salvation experience are one of relief, gratefulness, freedom and yes, joy!  Joyfulness.  Might I add, one of the characteristics of the  fruit of the Holy Spirit is joy, which should not be squelched.

Even the first and last sentences of this psalm are injunctions to praise,

"Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name!" [emphasis mine]

David give permission to his own soul to praise the LORD.  We can do the same when we have our own salvation experience.  Slaves to sin set free, rejoice!  Rejoice with them.  Enjoy the experience.

Look at the list of this wonderfully rich and complex salvation.  There's forgiveness from all our sins.  Like me, growing up and taught to behave in a 'good Christian' trainng manner.  I could not appreciate this as much as others who may have lived a very different life devoted to wickedness or even to ritualistic and legalistic beliefs that works save one instead of the mercy and grace of trust and faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

David acknowledged God's salvation healed all diseases.  I read that some people, like one Andrew Murray (1828-1917), a South African writer, who believed that believers should not ever be sick and if they were, it was God's judgment upon  that individual.  But even Jesus said, that that man who was born blind was to show God's glory and that no-one had sinned, not even his parents.  

Let me qualify that though, the blindness was not because of any particular sin but rather due to The Fall.  We are all sinners, except for Jesus.  The healing was to show the power of God in Jesus.  Yet, many people do get sick and die.  Confession of sins and healing do seem to have some correlation as seen in the book of James chapter 5 verse 14 if anyone is sick.  Confess sins, pray, then healing in the wake.  However, this is another topic for another time, suffice it to say, healing can be one of the benefits of salvation.

Furthermore, reading 1 Peter 4:1-2, we find that Peter tells his audience that even Jesus suffered and therefore we need to "arm ourselves" to let suffering help guide us to doing the will of God and not live according to human desires.  If we request healing and God grants it, give Him praise.  If He doesn't, like He once told the apostle Paul, "His grace is sufficient" for him to endure.  We can still rejoice in this aspect of the salvation 'package'.

There is joy in knowing God redeems our lives from the pit.  If that pit had been one of great iniquity, transgression, or of self-righteous living, of depression, addictions and so on, feel gladness of heart, soul and mind for His rescue operation on  your behalf.

We have been crowned with love and compassion and He also satisfies our desires with good things.  His every gift is perfect, stemming from His rich and complex salvation.  No wonder David could not contain his joy and  thankfulness and just had to start and end his psalm with "Praise the LORD"!  What an experience to experience!

Review this salvation list.  Which have you benefited from?  I was healed from COVID-19.  Hopefully all reading this have too.  I know God's love and compassion.  As a believer in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross, my sins have been forgiven and so on.  Praise the Lord again and again for all His benefits.  FEEL the joy.  Go ahead.  Sing praises.

When we 'pray our salvation' we praise our saving God and Jesus, our Savior.  If human beings who've accepted Christ as Savior do not praise Him, at least we know the angels are and are doing God's bidding.  God's heavenly hosts and all His work everywhere in God's kingdom are praising Him.   Why not us too?   Call all your friends and neighbors, like when the shepherd who found his lost sheep #100; the woman who  lost one of her silver coins, searched and found it,  and the waiting father who's lost son returned.  Rejoice and celebrate your salvation!  Forget not all His benefits.  Praise the Lord.

"Make praise your priority"!*2

                                                      ~ERC  May 2022~

Based on Psalm 103.

*1 Based on Bible Study by Eugene H. Peterson, Psalms - Prayers of the Heart.

*2 Quotation from a sermon at my church.

Sing, Praise God FromWhom all Blessings Flow, along with 

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