Monday, May 2, 2022

Book Review - Risky River Rescue - By Mike Nawrocki - Publishing Date: 3 May 2022


This is a cute story for young readers that is amusing and exciting as well as educational.  Animals that talk, includiing the Dead Sea Squirrels, and some human friends such as Dr & Mrs. Gomenzes,and Michael and Jane,  join together and tour the Holy Land while looking for one of  the squirrel-napped  Dead Sea Squirrels named Merle.  His wife's name is Pearle.  She is eagerly helping to look for Merle too.   Fun stuff.

If any child has been to Sunday School hearing different Bible stores and have seen some maps of the Holy Land, then some of the places named in this book will be somewhat familiar, like the Dead Sea, Jordan River, Nazareth and so on.  The animals also tell Bible stories about those places and their significance, in short blurbs.

Although this Risky River Rescue book is the 10th in a series about the Dead Sea Squirrels, it can be a stand alone feature.  The author has introduced each of the main characters and given them brief but interesting bio's.  If any of the children are familiar with Veggie Tales, it'll give them an idea of what they can expect from this engaging tale.  Additionally, I'd like to note that because the Bible stories seem to be accurately related as compared with the actual Bible version, I would, given opportunity, give such as a gift to a grandchild if I had one or to young nieces and nephews.

                                                ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           February 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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