Tuesday, May 3, 2022


 There are times Lord, when we want to talk to you but we become tongue-tied.  We just don't know what to say, ask or how to praise You.  Yes, I know that Your Holy Spirit helps to give us utterance, even then we are, at times - blank.  The fault being on our side.

Our tank is empty.  We confess it.

In Bible study a couple of weeks ago we read Psalm 1.  The Bible study author told us that this is a "preface to prayer" psalm.  In other words we need to feed on Your word and meditate upon all You have to say to us, preparing ourselves and like coming to attention in Your presence.

Gladly, we read Your word then to "hear" Your voice.  Gladly, we meditate upon it to know Your choice, to learn how to sincerely speak Your language and to come to know You more, to be fruitful but even more so, to loosen our tongues to praise and worship You, falling easily into conversation with You, our Abba Father.

Such streams of water coming down from Your home on high, from You, Father.  Thank-You for the washing of Your word upon our hearts, souls and minds. Your blessings upon us as we delight and meditate with You watching over us as we walk in Your righteous way.  

Thank-You, In Jesus name.

                                                      ~ERC  March 2022~

Based on Psalm 1.

Sing, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, along with Chris Rice.

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