Thursday, May 26, 2022

Morality - Social Issues Facing the Church - Introduction


If you look it up in a dictionary you'll see that the word 'morality' means 'principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior within a set family, group or culture" and so on.  However, who gets to set the standards and the punishments for infractions to societies' rules in acts of immorality?

Generally, the group or society in which one lives, has that, ahem, priviledge.  Would that be called the "moral majority?"  There will be those who disagree - rightly or wrongly.  Trends can swing from left to right and back again; shifting the standards.

Would you call that evolution of standards?  I hardly think so.  Adam and Eve had the perfect  set up in the Garden of Eden but they messed up big time in what theologians term, "The Fall".  So, fickle human nature and depravity morphs and warps like an ever changing mood ring

True, there have been societies based on good principles known as biblical principles, such as the children of Israel living according to God's commandment, or the ones the founding fathers of the USA purportedly proposed for the New World living.  However, those limits have been stretched and mangled beyond the boundaries those 'fathers' would likely be appalled by and rest very UNpeacefully in  their graves.  They'd certainly see this as a grave situation, I believe.

So what should we set our standards of morality upon?  Yes, the Bible, as attempted by the early American society.  A key missing element that lends great portent to observing biblical principles though, is the difference between having or not having faith in Jesus Christ and salvation through Him and hence the indwelling of His Holy Spirit.  He leads and guides us into all truth, giving His dynamic power to live by God's standards and principles as laid out in His holy word, the Bible.

"We live by faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me" 
(Galatians 2:20).

This is our standard and motivation.

Ok.  So what are some specifics in which we followers of Jesus Christ should be the salt and light in a society that digresses from our Heavenly Father's perfect path?  A list of some avenues we will definitely be at odds with in ever increasing measure according to the negative flux away from  the right path of God's will and intentions include the following.  For example, who even decides the morality of abortion; abuse (physical, emotional and sexual); dancing, drinking, gambling, homosexuality, immodesty, the New Age Movement, obscenity, racism, respectable worldliness, suicide and violence?

There could be more but these are some favorite hot button topics in society, even among believers.  How do we, as children of God, live  in biblical correctness (as opposed to political correctness) to please  and honor our Heavenly Father and be effective salt and light in our respective societies in this day and age?  This even at the cost of being  written off as a bigot and therefore not to be tolerated but only to be "canceled" out of society.

First off, I think we  better start praying and seeking God's will.  Search the Scriptures to see what HE has to say whether directly in black and while, or as a general principle of morality.  Then we need to live it.

As we live it, it will be a testimony - even if we are labeled as that 'bigot'.  It's not an easy task but when our motivation is to please the Lord because of all He's done for us, we can be comforted and know that His goodness, mercy and love follow us all the days of our life on earth (Psalm 23:6).

We can look forward to dwelling in His house forever in time to come when all will be perfectly moral and reach God's standard of morality to utmost perfection, for all eternity.  Until then, be in the world but not standing, sitting, or mocking in it (Psalm 1).

As the days go by and I have time to ponder and write more on these topics of morality, I hope you will come with me on this journey along that right path of God's.  I trust that my opinions will be truly set according to God's standard and that my earthly input won't tarnish or marr what He actually intends for us to know and how to live by.

God bless.

                                                         ~ERC  April 2022~

Based on a Bible study entitled, Moral Issues Facing the Church by Rob Harbison.

Please read the following verses:  Jeremiah 10:23; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4; Matthew 22:37-39; Philippians 2:3-4; 1 Corinthians 10:13; 2 Corinthians 5:10 and John 8:32.

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