Monday, May 23, 2022

Book Review - The Prison Child - By Shari J. Ryan - Publication Date: 24 May 2022


I had to keep checking to see if this was really fiction because authoress Shari J. Ryan has written another masterpiece!  She took me on a rollercoaster of kaleidoscopic range and proportions of emotions from laughter to weeping and everything in between.  Likely other readers will experience the same effect as Ryan takes one on Annie's ride of wondering who she is, the shock of discovery and beyond.  

This is yet another story springing out of WWII but this narrative reveals another angle of its abject depravity borne from an evil man with his evil plan to especially annihilate all Jews.  The rippled aftermath effect that still filtered  down even after the lapse  of years post liberation.

 As the book title suggests, a baby (child) was born in Theresianstadt concentration camp (aka prison).  How this baby escaped, its life thereafter and the distressing consequences of being a 'missing child' have repercussions of which even the woman who helped the baby bolt for freedom did not imagine.  It is never  easy to lose a child nor to protect one from all odds of being hated and eliminated based upon ones ethnic and/or religious background.  However, this woman did marvelously with help from a surprize source.

Annie grows and finds Fraser,  also a missing person, missing in the sense of slipped through the fingers, and together they wade and struggle to find out who they are and grapple with what their lives should have been, then try to find acceptance of what is.  There are not enough thumbs available to give this story enough thumbs up.

Shari J. Ryan has other such genre of books that will likely be as riveting as this one has been.  Check them out, especially this one, The Prison Child.

                                       ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                     April 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and  the publiser.

Read review on Goodreads.

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