Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Vast and Wonderful - Prayer


Father God, Creator of all heaven and earth, the seas and all that in them are - You have a wonderfully vast creation!  This, when we consider it all - leads us to think of You and how totally amazing you are!  As David said,

"how majestic!"

We almost don't have the words to describe You!  David continues and shows us the way, 

"How majestic is Your name in all the earth!" (Psalm 8:1 & 9).
  He says it twice.  He too, was enthralled.  Glory and honor belong to You!  Yes, and You wanted relationship with Your human beings and even entrusted Your creation to us, putting it all under our feet!  It's incomprehensible yet You being the Creator can do what You wish and think best.

We humbly accept the responsibility and will try to do You proud!  I confess I haven't really, seriously thought much about how I, in my small sphere can make much of a difference but I'll try.  I'll try even in my own backyard.  I don't have much of a green thumb though - not like Yours!!  But I know You will help.

In Jesus name I praise You and make this promise.  Thank-You for Your love and forgiveness and for this responsibility.

                                                      ~ERC  April 2022~

Based on Psalm 8 (NIV).

Sing, My God is so BIG, so Strong and so Mighty and Psalm 8 song.

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