Friday, May 13, 2022

Good Book - Letta in China - By Connie Seaward Ong

 It is always wonderful to read testimonies of how a brother or sister-in-Christ gave long term service to the Lord.  This biography, written by a granddaughter, is about just such a single lady, who at the tender age of 22, left the USA for China in the early 1920's.  Little did she know what all would transpire but her love for the Lord and for the Chinese people shone out in her ministrations to one and all whom she encountered.  Her name was Letta Teuber.

She eventually married a fellow missionary and became Letta Hansen.  She and her husband Harold had several children who learned to speak Mandarin right along with their parents becoming fluent and even speaking with other missionary kids in Chinese. That tickled my fancy.  Although Letta keenly felt sadness, and the grief  of losing a very young child, the reader will eventually see how Letta dealt with that and overcame despite the lingering heart pain of such a loss even years afterwards.

This family, along with many other missionaries and expatriates were herded by the Japanese into concentration camps during WWII.  As you can imagine, conditions weren't great. Besides enduring the privations and cruelty, their food was mostly meager and rotten and children had to be forced to eat eggshells to get some calcium into their bodies and bones.  Eventually, due to a prisoner exchange, the Hansen family were shipped back to the USA.

There they recuperated but were not idle, serving in various Assemblies of God churches until Harold's death.  Letta was eventually led of the Lord to serve in Singapore along with her daughter Margie and her husband and children.

Any Christians who love to see how the Lord can work in our lives, of God's faithfulness throughout all those China years and beyond, and how one can have such a close relationship with the Lord will no doubt, I believe, enjoy reading this account of God's love and favor in His servants' lives.  What a legacy that passed down to their children, as well!

                                                        ~ERC  May 2022~

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