Sunday, May 1, 2022

Book Review - Refined - A Memoir - By Tracie Breaux - Publication Date: 2 May 2022

 If one has grown up in a home with even a modicum of love and good care, it will be very difficult to conceive of a home where gross lack of loving care, and severe abuse is the order of each and every single day and night.  Tracie tells her story in this memoir where she literally walked on papers of hope and longing to help her live from day to day.  Hers is rather a horror story, made more horror-filled because it is true; it was her surreal reality.

Towards the end of her memoir, after she had become an adult and sifted through her nightmare of childhood events, Tracie says that the "single greatest gift she could give herself was to forgive" all those who had harmed her, especially her Dad.  This really blew me away.  Such a strength of mind, will and character to come forth and say and act so.  It is a wonder.  I need to learn from this.

As you can imagine, this was not an easy book to read.  If it had been fiction we could easily overlook it but, no, it's real, true-life happenings.  Those who have been traumatized by family violence will most likely be able to relate and may even be helped and encouraged by Tracie's story, and have courage to overcome.  I hope so.  Those of us who would be foreigners to such hate-filled living may gain some insight and hopefully some compassion and empathy for those we may know who have been, or who still are, being so wickedly mistreated.  May all such victims of evil be able to find their way of escape and refinement.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                       February 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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