Saturday, April 30, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Sincerity and Gladness


It's Lord's Day ... a day many of us Christians think of going to church, gathering together to remember our Savior Jesus' death - His saving grace and mercy on our behalf.  Yet some are reluctant to gather.

Therefore when I read Acts 2:45 and 46 this morning where the early believers,

"Continued to meet in the temple courts,"

- their place of prayer and worship - and also,

"broke bread in their homes and ate together"

This was not necessarily a daily holy communion service but more of a daily provision, especially good for the widows, poor and needy and not for gossip.   It got me thinking, what is my feeling about this?  You see, look at the accompanying adjectives ... they came together, and this...

"...with glad and sincere hearts".

My next thought was, uh-oh, I'm NOT always glad especially when others irritate me by things said or done or by lack of punctuality, among other annoyances.  Then I think, humph, I should have stayed in the isolation of my own living room cocoon, like during all the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Of course, I know that's wrong thinking...

Gladness, joy and sincerity should rather be the order of the day.  Do I truly love my brothers and sisters-in-Christ?  The question is rhetorical.  Answer for yourself.

Next, the words of Psalm 122:1 popped into my mind,

"I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD"

"Rejoiced"  with me, right alongside of, "sincerity".  

Brothers and  sisters-in-Christ let us not neglect meeting together with each other (Hebrews 10:25) and in the attitude of gladness, joy, rejoicing in the Lord Jesus and His work of salvation for us.  Make Jesus our own personal center and focus as well as of meeting together.  Let us all meet together and in sincerity and truth as we pass the emblems of the broken bread and cup of wine, one to another.  Let us joy in our God and sing of His love with our feet "standing together" in unity of Spirit in the bond of peace" (Psalm 122:2; Ephesians 4:3), not forgetting the needy either.

Let us be eager to be together to sing praise to the One who died for us.

Amen, so be it!

                                                       ~ERC  April 2022~

Based on Acts 2:45-46; Psalm 122:1-2 NIV.

Sing, Jesus Be the Center, along with Michael Frye and Katherine Scott.

Some questions to think about:

1. Do we need to sell all our possessions and give to the needy?

2. How do we feel about the needy among us?  Will we still stand together with them in joy and gladness without resentment or condescension?

3.  Is there unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace testimony notable enough to have the Lord add daily to our number; more importantly, to the church, His body?

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