Saturday, April 15, 2023

Good-Measure Giving

Someone once declared,

"I don't believe giving can ever be as good as receiving". 
 I don't entirely agree with this statement.

Sure, it's really nice to receive gifts, help or compliments now and again but a steady diet breeds greed.  The more a person gets, the more they want.  This is basic human nature.  this is the ugly truth.

Just observe a young child in a supermarket.  They see, they want, they scream and squall until the parent givens in.  This is an unhealthy habit the child is happy to perpetuate time and again.

This creates unpleasantness for fellow shoppers and embarrassment to the dad or mom who do not have enough backbone to say, "NO!" and mean, 'NO'!

In other cases, some sons or daughters become offended when a parent gives to others outside the family; whether its time, money or gifts.  Case in point, one mother who works hard but actually does not earn much, donated a lump sum to a charity, which provides wheelchairs to third world and developing countries.

These wheelchairs help those who cannot walk, to get them up off the dusty ground.  This mother had read about these basic wheelchairs* from a book she'd read and the immense good these wheelchairs were doing in giving hope and better quality of life to those who received them.  It had so touched her heart that she was prompted to give.

The son took exception to this and felt the funds allotted should have been lavished upon herself, or even him - a grown, working man!  It seemed preposterous, why give to people you don't even know!?

True, one must first be sure those close to them are not in need and only then share what one has for good and betterment of others.  This was the scenario.

Giving, if truly done from the heart creates much good and builds bridges of friendship and goodwill.  The giver can get much pleasure and satisfaction from doing such good deeds.  The giver may not even want it to be broadcasted like one often sees in newpapers of those who donate large sums to various causes, the giver just feels the satisfaction of knowing someone else is being helped.

The Holy Bible commands,

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers ... and do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased" (Hebrews 13:2, 16).

Our ultimate example of giving is God Himself who gave His on and only son Jesus, to suffer and die for all the world (see John 3:16).  Jesus gave His life for us that through Him we human beings can be saved, have forgiveness of sins and everlasting life.  God wanted to demonstrate His love and care for the people of the world who could not help themselves and who were definitely, in need.  As followers of Jesus Christ, we can pass on and prove God's love by also doing "acts of love" in whichever way He touches our hearts to give.

Whatever you decide, give and give cheerfully for 

"God loves a cheerful giver" (see 2 Corinthians 9:7).

So saying, I believe that giving is way better than receiving.  Give, 

"good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over ... the measure you use, it will be measured to you" (Luke 6:38 NIV).

Father God, may our offerings on Your behalf be acceptable in Your sight.  May they be calle, "Good-Measure Giving".

In Jesus name, Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2023~

Based on an Argumentative Essay Test Question and student challenge.

Sing, Living Hope, along with Life Church Worship.

*See also book review for Miracle Wheels.


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