Tuesday, April 25, 2023

His Purpose

 It was because of our transgressions and iniquities Jesus Christ suffered.  The LORD God, the Father, put the punishment for our sin and lack of righteousness upon Christ our Savior (Isaiah 53:5-6).

He did this so we could be 'healed.'  Our spiritual depravity, in which we were all like sheep, made us determined to go our own way.  He did this so we could "die to our sins" and become spiritually alive and made as "a new creation in Christ" -  a total turn around to going His way (see 2 Corinthians 5:22).

When you accept Jesus Christ as Savior through faith in Him, you can then

 "live for righteousness" (1 Peter 2:24).  

You are in a state where He has imputed His righteousness to you.

It's like when a person, say, a wife for instance, gets a ticket or summons for a traffic violation and then someone else, likely the husband, pays for it.  Doesn't seem fair to him but out of kindness and love he does that.  He showed mercy and grace especially if he didn't harangue his wife about it.  Instead he had quietly taken and paid the punishment on his wife's behalf.

Jesus did all this voluntarily.  Why?  It's been stated before, because God loves us and wanted to demonstrate and prove His love for each and every single last human being.

Our Jesus had the authority to lay down and take up His life for us.  God had given Him 

"all authority in Heaven and on Earth" (Matthew 28:18)

 It had also been a command from God His Father.  Jesus was always obedient to His Father.  Jesus' fully man-ness, though, left Him the choice to choose.  Being the sinless one, He did 'drink the cup' of suffering and death His Father had handed to Him.

"Not my will, but yours be done"

He told His Father (see Luke 22:42).

God's act of grace was made to be accepted.

Father God, thank-you for doing all this for us and for providing salvation through Jesus Christ, your son's work on the cross, giving all those who believe through faith, new life in Him.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

                                                ~ERC  April 2023~

Based on Navigator Ministries, Inc, Book 1 Knowing Jesus Christ; Chapter 2 - The Work of Jesus Christ, Questions 6-8 - His Death.

Sing, Lord I Life Your Name on High, along with Marantha Singers.

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