Saturday, April 1, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Not Condemned

 I think John 3:16 is one of the most oft quoted verses in the whole bible.  I also believe that John 3:17 gets neglected.  When you stack the two together you get even greater impact so we really should try to do so.  However, as most of you reading this likely can quote v. 16 off the bat, I'll only type in the 17th verse here,

"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him (Jesus)".

When you think of this, God's purposes in sending Jesus was not to condemn us, even if we have done some pretty awful deeds, He still reaches out to us in mercy and grace because He

 "so loved the world".

Just because you may be a drunkard, or a con man, an adulteress and the like that other human beings look down upon and condemn, Jesus doesn't.  God doesn't .  You still have a chance to come to Him.  After all, Jesus died for you.  Why did he do that?  It's because He loves you.  He wants relationship with you.

When you believe, the condemnation that Satan tagged you with, will be taken away.  If you continue in disbelief that condemnation is still upon you.  Accept Jesus, He came to save you.

Father God, I want to thank you so much for sending your Son Jesus to give His life for the world, for me.  Thank you for taking my condemnation away because I have believed in Jesus Christ and accepted your offer of salvation through Him.  Thank you for now not condemning me.  I feel so free. I look up to you in gratitude and praise.  In Jesus name, Amen.

This Lord's Day remember this act of love and sacrifice for humanity.  Fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ, let us partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine in remembrance of what our loving Heavenly Father has provided for each and every one of us.  You are no longer condemned.  This is indeed something to remember and to celebrate.

                                                    ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on John 3:17 NIV.

Sing, No Condemnation, along with Don Moen.

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