Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Prayer - Tell of Your Love Even in Wartime


Sovereign Father, many are the opportunities afforded us to tell of your love and kindness; to speak of all you have done for us, especially to bring your message of Jesus and love to the people of the world.

Give us the right words to speak and wisdom of what to say and when to say it, even in wartime.  I'm thinking of all your children right now in the Ukraine and Russia, suffering because of the ongoing conflict.  May your children have strength, courage and resources to go about showing your love and kindness despite all the ugliness of war.  May they be able to do good, ministering to the victims and helpless.

As they minister may they speak your words of comfort and of salvation through Jesus Christ.  May these actions and words be pleasing in your sight and bring many sons and daughters to you.  May they tell of your love even in wartime.

Build your church Lord before it is forever too late for them all.

Stop this sickening war though, I plead with you.  So many have been killed.  Mankind triumphs at "big" kills but how your heart must mourn Father at such travesties.  Why does mankind enjoy violence?!

So many are perishing.  Please O Father, put a stop to this conflict as well as the one in Sudan.

I ask in Jesus' name.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2023~

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