Friday, April 7, 2023

Going Through


What is that big round hole and passageway in the mountain?  Where does it lead?  Should I check it out?  Or not?

Life is often like that.  We can't see round the bend and we vacillate between different thoughts and actions.

In the road vehicle, ya can't go over the moutain if there's no road.  Ya can't go around it unless you do a lot of bush whacking - bring your machete!  Ya can't go under it cuz your vehicle doesn't have the gopher boring capability.  Sigh.  Ya just have to move forward and go through that tunnel.

Pursuing righteousness in Christian living can be quite similar.  It may look daunting but seek the Lord.  He is your rock and salvaton, the one in whom you can trust to see you through (see Isaiah 51:1).

"Set your face like flint" (Isaiah 50:4).

Be determined, no matter what consequencies may be, to pursue righteousness and to be holy as God is holy.

When we put our hope in God, we will not be disappointed (Isaiah 49:23).  As we strive, with Holy Spirit help, to aim for holiness we will get through the tunnel of life getting to know God more and cementing our relationship with Him, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  

He is our Light at the end of the tunnel - just go through.

                                                    ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on Isaiah 49:23; 50:7; 51:10 NIV.

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