Friday, April 28, 2023

Prayer - Make It Stop


Father, there are people in places like Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Malawi, Africa suffering compound injustices and untold suffering.  Some live in abject fear, as in Goma with ongoing terror and brutal, rebellious factions overrunning the place.  Others live in abject poverty, loss of life and battering from the elements such as from drought, torrential rains and/or as the latest, severe cyclones, bring.

Who cares?

Not the news-broadcasting statistics or world power politicians, nor the oligarchs of the world.  No, we get to hear more about the Russian-Ukraine conflict or what's currently happening in Sudan - again.

These places get into the news and are considered "newsworthy" but what about the out-of -the -way places that can't bring world factions much income or leverage, turning them instead into economic slaves?

I'm not saying we shouldn't hear of these more well-known places but we need some fairness in the telling of the WHOLE world's problems and suffering and address them as they are.  Lord, you are the God of all true justice, help Thou, Thy people.

Thank you Father for such people as the Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Amor Mottley who brought these places such as Malawi, to the attention of some of the world leaders who would give a listening ear.  Perhaps there is some hope for these places.  Father, make it so.

However, our help does come from you and you love justice, so I know we can trust in you and not untrustworthy fellow-mankind.

I know you see and you care.  Bring your children such as missionaries to care for these people even when done on a quiet, backstage, out of the rest of the world's eyes manner.  Supply their needs; help and comfort, protect accordingly and make the terror and suffering cease.

I beseech you in Jesus' name.

                                                         ~ERC  April 2023~

Please refer to the links re:  Goma and Malawi cyclones to see what has happened and continues to happen in those places.  Be informed.  Pray for the people.  Pray they get help.  Perhaps you are part of the answer.

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