Saturday, April 8, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Jesus, Savior Kind and Good


Well, there is no end to the good things Jesus did whilst trodding the earth.  The list can never be exhausted but here's a few:  He healed people, cast out demons, performed a myriah of miracles; showed His loving care and kindness, and above all, He was sinless.

Turning water into wine at the Cana wedding helped the servants continue the 'free flow' celebrations of joy and happiness; healing the royal official's son, the paralytic and the blind man showed His compassion and glory; feeding the 5000 ++ from five loaves and two fish out of compassion for them showed His care; raising departed loved ones also demonstrated how He could overcome death.  Stemming from said love and compassion in action we see He was (and still is) so kind and good.

Jesus, Savior kind and good was treated with contempt and crucified along side criminals.  Constrast all His kindness and goodness with the nefarious deeds of those criminals.  They were murderers - taking life instead of giving it.  They were insurrectionists creating strife, rebellion and division among the population.  This instead of drawing people together and showing mercy and grace.  The Jewish leaders' insinuation being that Jesus was a man just like these 'scum' of society.  The only good scum being a dead scum, in those leaders' view.

Pilate voiced Jesus' innocence saying that he'd "found no grounds for the death penalty" realizing it was "out of envy" the Jewish religious leaders had requested crucifixion (see Matthew 27:18; Mark 15:6-10; Luke 23:22 and John 128:38).  Even Pilate's wife declared Jesus an innocent man.

Yet, because of his own interests Pilate moved forward, giving the Jews what they wanted.  It was all so terribly unfair to our Jesus, so kind and good.

During Jesus' arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane the disciples all fled in fear.  It's like they'd abandoned Jesus to His fate at the hands of men.  Praise the Lord, we know that this was Jesus' destiny and that the control was actually in God's hands, using the sin-tainted free will of mankind He'd come to save.

Praise the Lord again, we see a tender scene at the foot of the cross.  From the cross Jesus saw among others, His mother and John.  As the oldest son in the family, Jesus was taking responsibility and care of Mary.  He told her to look at John, now her son, and John to look after Mary, now his mother. 

"This is your son...this is your mother" (see John 19:25-27).

Jesus' goodness and kindness was still evident despite the abject pain He must have been in at the time.  

What is your response or reaction to Jesus, Savior kind and good?

It matters.  He went through all that suffereing and death for you.  He wants to be your Savior.  Accept Him today.

For those of us, who by faith, have already accepted Jesus as Savior, let's also be kind and good.  Let's remember Him this Lord's Day, not just this Easter Lord's Day, but for all the Lord's Days to come until He takes us Home.  

Partake of the symbolic broken bread and drink of the cup of wine that remind us of His death for us.  Be grateful and thankful.  Do it to show our Savior's goodness and kindness to all mankind.  May it warm your heart.

                                                      ~ERC April 2023~

Based on Mark 15:6-7, 11, 15 NIV.

Sing, The Old Rugged Cross along with Don Moen and Jesus, Savior Kind and Good along with Simple Tunes.  This second song is actually a children's song but I like it's simplicity.

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