Sunday, April 23, 2023

This is What We Do


The Amish folks have this thing which characterizes them individually as well as as a community, it's called, 'forgiveness'.  They are compelled to forgive because they say, "This is what we do".

They want to bring reconciliation between brothers, sisters, parents and friends.  This is to be noted in general terms as they do have something called, 'shunning' when one of the community lives against their rules for Amish living in serious breach.  Then those individuals are ostracised until they 'repent'.

However, I wish to focus on their idea of, "ministry of reconciliation".  We were once 'shunned' and separated from God because of His holiness and our sinfulness.  By 'our', I mean mankind's, due to The Fall perpetuated by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Once a person accepts Christ as their Savior they have salvation.  They were compelled by Christ's love for them.  He died for them, proving His love.  This was Jesus Christ's ministry of reconciliation between God and mankind.

God forgives men and women the world over when they each admit their sin, repent of it and accept Jesus Christ as Savior by faith in Him.  This is what He does.

Now each is a "new creation" in Christ.  Now each changes their thinking.  They change to God's way of thinking empowered by the Holy Spirit who now indwells them.  Guess what!  Now each has been given the "ministry of reconciliation" by Christ.  This is now what each of us does.

It's not just Amish ways, it's Christ's way as this is from whence the Amish base their reconciliation and forgiveness-living.  This is what must characterize each and every believer in Christ.

This is not to say it comes easily-peasily.  We still are like sheep who want to go their own way.  Knowing that Christ's love now flows in our spiritual veins we are now in His service, and His "ambassadors," so we need to continually be reconciled to God when we go astray.

This doesn't mean one loses their salvation but when we do go astray, we must confess to the Lord.  When we do, 

"He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins" (1 John 1:9). 
 Keep reconciled to God so that we will inbue God's righteousness.  This facilitates and enables the child of God to reach out in forgiveness and reconciliation to those who offend, anger, and sin against us.  

This is what we do.

                                                ~ERC  April 2023~

Based on 2 Corinthians 5:14-21.

Sing, Songs of Mercy, Catholic and other Christian Songs, about God's mercy, love, forgiveness.

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