Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Prayer For Peace

 Abba Father, I don't really know or understand what is going on with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.  It's been on-going for more than a year.  Back in October 2022 Putin annexed those four regions, which were once under Ukrainian government.

I don't understand but declare that You do know what you are doing, and allow all things to happen in your sovereignty and use mankind's willful wrong to leverage Your will for good.

May Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven so that from willing, upright hearts of those who do love and obey you, the gospel of Jesus Christ will be spread throughout all of Russia and penetrate those hearts who must crave Your spiritual new life even though they may not realize their lack.  May those who truly believe in Christ and who have resided in those four 'recently' annexed states have courage to persevere even though they themselves are undergoing such desparate times.

Bring peace of heart and mind despite the turmoil on land.  We know from history that the Ukraine has been battered brutally and repeatedly for many long years from countries round about it such as from the Soviets and the Holodomor,  Poland, Germany, and now the Americans instigating and perpetuating, and now the Russians, once again.  Fighting factions never seem to cease for long in this world breadbasket.

Abba Father, please stop the warring.  Stop the killing, death, destruction and devastation.  Have mercy on the populace.  May wicked men and women be stopped from other nefarious deeds that occur at highter rates in times of war:  the rape, human trafficking, murder undercover of war and other such evils.

May Putin, Zelenski, the EU, and the USA come to their respective senses and bring peaceful resolve instead of selfishness.  May they 'bite the bullet' - sorry for the sick pun - swallowing their pride and patriotism for the good of their respective citizens and put a stop to their fighting and violence.

I ask in Jesus' name.

Similarly now, Father, the Sudan is going at it tooth and nail.  Is there no end to the depravity of mankind!!

We call, "Peace, peace!"  but there is none.

Yet we know you can bring it as You are the God of the seemingly impossible.  I know you can do more than we even ask or think.

Again, I ask in Jesus' name.

                                                        ~ERC  April 2023~

"May the humble rejoice in the LORD and the needy rejoice in the Holy One of Israel." (Isaiah 29:19 NIV).


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