Thursday, April 27, 2023

Prayer - Because He Lives


Abba Father, thank you for being my all.  You comfort me.  You are the Source of all I need.  help me to remember this always especially in times I cast my eyes off of You and begin to drown in the scary waves of the stormy seas of life.

Be my all, always.

You are the one and only living God.  You live, therefore you can hear me when I call.  You listen to my every burden:   sobs of loneliness; anger at feelings hurt, at rough harsh replies and criticism; and disappointments that come my way.  No doubt many others experience this too.

Because you live I can face tomorrow.  I know You love me and so I can trust in you.  Fill my heart with your peace despite heartaches and hurts.  Help me to hear it as you encircle me in your arms so I can say, like the author of one hymn acknowledged, "It is well with my soul."

You are so kind and good.  Let me learn to follow your righteousness, and grace and mercy because you LIVE.  May I rejoice in you at all times in gratitude to your name which is above every name.

In Jesus' name I swallow all l my sorrow because you know all, because you love and you live.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2023~

Originally written 19 March 2023 in my personal prayer book.  Shared for the benefit of those going through hard times.  Cry out to your Heavenly Father God.  Seek solace in Him.  Think of yourself of the 'I' and 'me' in this prayer, then customize it to your particular situation.  May the Lord bring you peace too.

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