Monday, April 17, 2023

Faithful and True

When walking in a park with friends, you just never know what topics you will talk about.  This morning, death and cremation and scattering of ashes came up.  Odd, I know, but, ahem, also part of life.

Many do not like to speak of death and many are afraid of death.  For me, I am not afraid to die because I know my Redeemer is faithful and true.  I count on His promise of everlasting life and going to be with Him in glory forever and ever.

What makes me quake though, if I think about dying, is the mode of death.  If it is a painful one, then of course, there's fear of that.  We all would prefer to "die peacefully in our sleep," but not everyone has that 'privilege'.

However, those of us who belong to Christ have the hope of being with Him and so a mantle of peace can be an aura upon us.  The Lord did promise to walk through our valley of the shadow of death with us (see Psalm 23:4).  He'll hold our hand through it all.

I really like what one friend wrote about death.  Her honest observations I entitle, 'Emily's Psalm'.  Here's what she wrote...

""I may never get over the fear of death.  I may still be afraid til I

breathe my last.  Oh how human I am.

Full of discovery and experiences

that are fleeting.  Memories made that

pass with time.

BUT I have hope in the Eternal

that flashes by me soon.

I wait on You and trust the hard

journey in the wilderness. Still giving 

thanks for the water from the rock

and manna from heaven.  Where I am,

the dry and cold desert with nothing...

I found everything from my God who

provides and promises to walk with me each step

of the way as He did

with my forefathers, brothers, and sisters

who went before me.

I lift up my voice...praise Your Name

on High.  You are still Lord over me.  So 

I will dwell securely in the house of

the Lord forever."

~E. Wong, Singapore 2023

This psalmist ends with a positive note of trust and praise to the One who died for her.  The one who redeemed her soul.  She has found the Lord and Savior to be "faithful and true" as one song puts it.

You too can have this focus even when death stares you in the face.

                                           ~ERC  April 2023~

Based on Emily's Psalm and Psalm 23.

Permission was granted to use this poem by the 'psalmist'.

Sing, My Redeemer, Faithful and True, along with the Nebblett Family.

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