Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Book Review - Broker of Lies - By Steven James - Publication Date: 11 April 2023

 This highly acclaimed, award-winning author, Steven James, strikes again, magnificently, in this rather exciting Christian mystery story.  It's the first novel of James' that I've ever read as far as I can recall and it is such a masterpiece, I certainly hope to be able to read more of his work.

There is much "hush-hush," can't tell governement secrets that must be kept and not be redacted.  An anti-nuke activist features in the mix to prove a point; who can trust whom?; Russians, a major fire and |"whodunit"; dead men, and then there's Travis Brock and Adira right in the thick of it all, trying to puzzle it all out in constant danger zone.

Very enjoyable reading although there were places in the narrative that were too detailed in technical explanations about nukes, guns, dirty bombs and such, for me.  I confess to skimming over those spots to greater action.  Those of military and government secret-keepers' backgrounds will readily relate, I believe.  Other readers will get a definite buzz and zing out of it all too; at least, I did.  A 5-Star, thumb's up from me to Steven James!

                                               ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              November 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy given by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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