Tuesday, April 11, 2023

May the Blind See

 Going to a reflexology clinic where blind people are doing the reflexology would be very restful, or so I thought.  Someone spilled the beans though.

You see, being a 'one of a kind' in an ocean of other ethnic background folks, I sort of stand out like a sore thumb.  Stared at, frisked with curiosity questions as  to where you are from, how long you've been here and why are you here? Among other questions, some too personal were the order of most any day.  It can be annoying and exhausting to be constantly targeted.  But the 'seeing' were not going to let me get away with anonymity, no siree!

Those tattletails made the blind man nervous and me angry.  My expectations were cut to the quick.  All the other customers smug in their stuffed shirts.  The blind man was not allowed to be 'color' blind.  What a pity!

Another blind man we read about in John 9:1-7 also had 'helpful' seeing people in his life.  He got into trouble for having his sight restored.

Even Jesus' disciples queried, had he sinned or was it the parents' punishment he had been born blind?  What nonsense was this!?  Jesus squelched it pretty quick-like.  The neighbors twittered to each other, wasn't he the man who used to be blind and begging?  The religious leaders were affronted by it instead of being happy the man had been healed, that he even had had the faith to be obedient to Jesus' mode of healing.

"Go...wash in the Pool of Siloam...so he went and washed, and came home seeing" (John 9:6-7 NIV).

In fact, they ended up hurling insults at the man!

The man's faith did not waver.  I'm impressed by this.  Despite incredulity, criticism, interrogation and insults, he kept his wonder, joy and faith - all to God's glory.  Worshiping Jesus was his response.

It had not been the blind man who could not see, but the seeing who were blind.  This was the spiritual travesty.

May all reading this have their eyes opened to see and know who Jesus is, and then live for His glory.  Besides giving those who 'stand out' in a crowd a break, keep constantly abiding in your faith in Jesus.  Go out with joy and 'seeing'.  In Jesus name I ask.

                                                    ~ERC  March 2023~

Based on John 9 NIV.

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