Friday, December 2, 2022

Book Review - Miracle Wheels - By Dr. Don Schoendorfer, PHD - Publication Date: 6 December 2022

 Emotion pulsed through me as I read along throughout most of this autobiography of a most extra-ordinarily, interesting man, who used his accumulation of lifetime experience, talent, knowledge, and faith to bring life-changing hope to those with disabilities in developing countries.  The book brought times of outright laughter, and then times of tears, of the sobbing sort, as this brother, powered by God and his desire to help these children and adults in places where they could not help themselves.  There were so many touching scenes of joy and 'miracle' transformations.  I especially loved the story of Lotus Blossom and her gift of mobility.  It was truly remarkable!  These wheelchairs were, and still are, Miracle Wheels indeed!  They were fashioned by Dr. Schoendorfer with compassion and his deep, heartfelt desire to help get people up off the ground, both literally and figuratively.  

I'd say this is a must read for one and all, and as one is reading, to think pro-actively of what oneself could do to help this cause with your own talents, and so forth, in your own particular niche of the world.  May each reader be so inspired. 

The author has a mission called Free Wheechair Mission and you can find the organization on line for further details.  Also in the addenda of the book, one can find some discussion questions to help focus thinking about the needs of the disabled; pictures of the author, his family and some of those who were transformed by their free miracle wheels.  Praise the Lord for such dedication and service.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                         December 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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