Sunday, April 30, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Jesus' Resurrection Power


Praise the Lord for Jesus' resurrection from the dead on the third day.  This was prophesied to happen, and it did.  Any believer in Jesus Christ and His work accomplished on the cross, now serves a risen, living Savior.  He is our living leader.  Let us continue to follow and serve Him all the days of our lives!

Folks often point fingers at a certain group of people, blaming them for Christ's death on the cross.  For instance, based on Peter's speech we find in Acts 3, especially verses 12-15, it appears that the 'Men of Israel" are to blame.

Peter rightfully accused, 

"You handed Him over to be disowned the Holy, Righteous One...You killed the author of life...."

It really does seem they were at fault yet some still blame the Romans.  At the time, the Roman Empire stretched far and wide incorporating Israel in the anceint world and these Jewish, "Men of Israel" were under Roman rule.  They could not fully act without Roman authority sanction and implementation, therefore there is incrimination upon them.

However, we must look at John 3:16 for a fuller view.  It says God loved "the world" and sent Jesus for the "whosoever" may believe in Him.  Another verse states,

 "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).

Often what Satan uses for harm, God in His Sovereignty, turns into good.  He used Satan's evil plans, forces and minions such as Judas Iscariot's greed for money to betray Jesus to the Jewish religious leaders, who in turn out of their jealousy of Jesus, falsely accused Him, stirred up the crowds of Jewish people to shout, 

"Crucify Him!" 

and to choose criminal Barabbas to be released instead of sinless Jesus, thus turning Jesus over to the Romans who carried out those crucifixion wishes.

We cannot blame any one ethnic group for Jesus' death.  We have to focus on why He would go through with this and as has been stated, He died for our sins that we  might live and have everlasting life.  He did this out of love for each and every one of us.

He died and was buried but praise God, Jesus rose from the dead on the third day.  This was good news and the apostles of Jesus Christ spoke of this resurrection with "great power" and with "much grace" (see Acts 4:33).

The question was asked, "Does this 'great power' mean an aggressive manner?"  No, it was because of the Holy Spirit who had come to indwell them, giving them courage to go out and speak with confidence and boldness.

You have to recall that those same religious leaders who orchestrated Jesus' arrest and death, were still fine-tuned and alert to quashing and eradicating all of this "Jesus way".  There was fear, as you can recall again, that these same apostles had been cowering, ensconced behind locked doors, in fear of these Jews, in the immediate days after Jesus' burial before the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost.

This "great power" resulted in more and more of the Jewish populace being convinced of their sins and their great need of the Savior Jesus Christ.   Likely, also realizing that Jesus really was who He'd said He was - their Messiah.

About the "much grace" phrase, just think...Jesus was the disciples-cum-apostles very best friend and Rabbi (Jewish Teacher-Mentor).  The Jewish people, stirred up by their religious leaders, had shouted in a frenzy for Jesus' crucifixion.  Why should these apostles now tell the people this "good news"?  It  is by grace any of us are saved and by that same grace the apostles shared the good news.  We, together with our ancient brothers and sisters-in-Christ, get the blessing of salvation we did not deserve.

By God's mercy, we did not get what we did deserve - the penalty for our sin.

It's amazing to see how mercy and grace compliment each other and work in tandem.  For example, one young lady shared that after she'd become a Christian and lived the Christian life for a while, she had turned away from the Lord to follow her "own interests".  She eventually found her way back to following the Lord's interests.

How did that happen?  Well, just as Peter told those "Men of Israel" back in the day (see Acts 3:19), so too this young lady "repented".  When a person sincerely repents, Jesus forgives.  In His great love, mercy and grace, he accepts our confession and forgives.

This puts us in mind of the parable Jesus told of  "The Prodigal Son" - or rather, "The Forgiving Father" (see Luke 15:11-32).  It went something like this...

A certain man had two sons.  The younger son had the insolent cheek to ask his father for his share of inheritance he'd get when the father would die.  Just think how hurtful and disrespectful this was to the father!

Nevertheless, the father went with the request and gave the son his share.  Off the son went and spent all on riotous living.  His last coin gone, his so-called 'friends' evaporated and he found himself in dire straights.  So much so, he got a job feeding pigs and wanted to eat the pigs' food.

Keep in mind how low this son had fallen.  Remember Jesus' audience was Jewish and anything to do with pigs was taboo and forbidden.  Pigs were unclean animals and despised creatures.  Can you get the picture?  His desparate times called for desparate and degrading measure.

Anyway, the son came to his senses - better late than never - and repented of his ways.  He wanted to tell his dad sorry and that he'd sinned against him and God.  This without expectation that his dad would recieve him back as a son.  No.  He was willing to become a servant of the servants.

His dad saw him coming and ran to his returning son.  In the culture of the time, an adult man running was uncouth and very unseemly.  The father was determined though to welcome his son and set the stage for the treatment he wanted the whole community looking on to act upon and follow.

This community would have been in their right to kill  the son or at least bar him entry.  BUT, the father ran to intervene, to give the best robe, put shoes on his feet, a ring on his finger, to hug him and give him a kiss.  Could the father's message to the son and the community be more clear?

The father's mercy  did not allow the punishment the son deserved to be executed upon him.  The father's grace welcomed and forgave the repentant son and gave him good things that he did not deserve.  Both mercy and grace worked in tandem demonstrating the father's love and will towards his son.

This same grace - God's grace, was at work in the apostles as they shared the message of Jesus Christ with all who listened.  All of this because of Jesus' resurrection power.

That is, the resurrection declares that Jesus Christ could be none other than the Son of God.  It also declares Jesus to be alive.  He was the apostle's living, loving Savior and God, and He is the same for us today.

When we followers of Jesus Christ meet together in His presence partaking of the broken bread and drinking of the cup of wine, we show our Lord and Savior's death, until He comes for us.  We can do this because He is our risen Savior who is still in the world today through the Holy Spirit who indwells us.

Jesus is alive, I'm forgiven, praise His precious name!  Thank-You, Jesus!

                                              ~ERC  April 2023~

Based on Navigator Mininstries, Inc.  Book 1 - Knowing Jesus Christ, Chapter 2 - The Work of Jesus Christ, The Resurrection, Questions 9-12.

Sing, How Deep the Father's Love For Us, along with Stuart Townsend.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Prayer - Make It Stop


Father, there are people in places like Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Malawi, Africa suffering compound injustices and untold suffering.  Some live in abject fear, as in Goma with ongoing terror and brutal, rebellious factions overrunning the place.  Others live in abject poverty, loss of life and battering from the elements such as from drought, torrential rains and/or as the latest, severe cyclones, bring.

Who cares?

Not the news-broadcasting statistics or world power politicians, nor the oligarchs of the world.  No, we get to hear more about the Russian-Ukraine conflict or what's currently happening in Sudan - again.

These places get into the news and are considered "newsworthy" but what about the out-of -the -way places that can't bring world factions much income or leverage, turning them instead into economic slaves?

I'm not saying we shouldn't hear of these more well-known places but we need some fairness in the telling of the WHOLE world's problems and suffering and address them as they are.  Lord, you are the God of all true justice, help Thou, Thy people.

Thank you Father for such people as the Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Amor Mottley who brought these places such as Malawi, to the attention of some of the world leaders who would give a listening ear.  Perhaps there is some hope for these places.  Father, make it so.

However, our help does come from you and you love justice, so I know we can trust in you and not untrustworthy fellow-mankind.

I know you see and you care.  Bring your children such as missionaries to care for these people even when done on a quiet, backstage, out of the rest of the world's eyes manner.  Supply their needs; help and comfort, protect accordingly and make the terror and suffering cease.

I beseech you in Jesus' name.

                                                         ~ERC  April 2023~

Please refer to the links re:  Goma and Malawi cyclones to see what has happened and continues to happen in those places.  Be informed.  Pray for the people.  Pray they get help.  Perhaps you are part of the answer.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Prayer - Because He Lives


Abba Father, thank you for being my all.  You comfort me.  You are the Source of all I need.  help me to remember this always especially in times I cast my eyes off of You and begin to drown in the scary waves of the stormy seas of life.

Be my all, always.

You are the one and only living God.  You live, therefore you can hear me when I call.  You listen to my every burden:   sobs of loneliness; anger at feelings hurt, at rough harsh replies and criticism; and disappointments that come my way.  No doubt many others experience this too.

Because you live I can face tomorrow.  I know You love me and so I can trust in you.  Fill my heart with your peace despite heartaches and hurts.  Help me to hear it as you encircle me in your arms so I can say, like the author of one hymn acknowledged, "It is well with my soul."

You are so kind and good.  Let me learn to follow your righteousness, and grace and mercy because you LIVE.  May I rejoice in you at all times in gratitude to your name which is above every name.

In Jesus' name I swallow all l my sorrow because you know all, because you love and you live.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2023~

Originally written 19 March 2023 in my personal prayer book.  Shared for the benefit of those going through hard times.  Cry out to your Heavenly Father God.  Seek solace in Him.  Think of yourself of the 'I' and 'me' in this prayer, then customize it to your particular situation.  May the Lord bring you peace too.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Prayer - Tell of Your Love Even in Wartime


Sovereign Father, many are the opportunities afforded us to tell of your love and kindness; to speak of all you have done for us, especially to bring your message of Jesus and love to the people of the world.

Give us the right words to speak and wisdom of what to say and when to say it, even in wartime.  I'm thinking of all your children right now in the Ukraine and Russia, suffering because of the ongoing conflict.  May your children have strength, courage and resources to go about showing your love and kindness despite all the ugliness of war.  May they be able to do good, ministering to the victims and helpless.

As they minister may they speak your words of comfort and of salvation through Jesus Christ.  May these actions and words be pleasing in your sight and bring many sons and daughters to you.  May they tell of your love even in wartime.

Build your church Lord before it is forever too late for them all.

Stop this sickening war though, I plead with you.  So many have been killed.  Mankind triumphs at "big" kills but how your heart must mourn Father at such travesties.  Why does mankind enjoy violence?!

So many are perishing.  Please O Father, put a stop to this conflict as well as the one in Sudan.

I ask in Jesus' name.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2023~

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Prayer For Peace

 Abba Father, I don't really know or understand what is going on with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.  It's been on-going for more than a year.  Back in October 2022 Putin annexed those four regions, which were once under Ukrainian government.

I don't understand but declare that You do know what you are doing, and allow all things to happen in your sovereignty and use mankind's willful wrong to leverage Your will for good.

May Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven so that from willing, upright hearts of those who do love and obey you, the gospel of Jesus Christ will be spread throughout all of Russia and penetrate those hearts who must crave Your spiritual new life even though they may not realize their lack.  May those who truly believe in Christ and who have resided in those four 'recently' annexed states have courage to persevere even though they themselves are undergoing such desparate times.

Bring peace of heart and mind despite the turmoil on land.  We know from history that the Ukraine has been battered brutally and repeatedly for many long years from countries round about it such as from the Soviets and the Holodomor,  Poland, Germany, and now the Americans instigating and perpetuating, and now the Russians, once again.  Fighting factions never seem to cease for long in this world breadbasket.

Abba Father, please stop the warring.  Stop the killing, death, destruction and devastation.  Have mercy on the populace.  May wicked men and women be stopped from other nefarious deeds that occur at highter rates in times of war:  the rape, human trafficking, murder undercover of war and other such evils.

May Putin, Zelenski, the EU, and the USA come to their respective senses and bring peaceful resolve instead of selfishness.  May they 'bite the bullet' - sorry for the sick pun - swallowing their pride and patriotism for the good of their respective citizens and put a stop to their fighting and violence.

I ask in Jesus' name.

Similarly now, Father, the Sudan is going at it tooth and nail.  Is there no end to the depravity of mankind!!

We call, "Peace, peace!"  but there is none.

Yet we know you can bring it as You are the God of the seemingly impossible.  I know you can do more than we even ask or think.

Again, I ask in Jesus' name.

                                                        ~ERC  April 2023~

"May the humble rejoice in the LORD and the needy rejoice in the Holy One of Israel." (Isaiah 29:19 NIV).


Book Review - Sheepology - By Ilaria Demonti - Publication Date: 25 April 2023

 It was very interesting to learn more than just the regular basics about sheep.  The general habits of sheep, transhumance of sheep; their caretakers: shepherds, dogs and donkeys; what can be "harvested" from sheep:  eg. wool, milk and its by-products such as cheese; the plethora of breeds and their origins and so much more, were all encapsulated in this one volume.

Although the book states this non-fiction, educational work is targeted at children ages 6-10, the explanations are rather detailed so I feel the older side of that scale is more likely the readership to benefit.  Readers who believe in a young earth may take exception to some of the datings given, is one caution I have with the book.

All in all, together with the great illustrations and labelings, this chidlren's book could be well worth the investment, especially as, perhaps, a home education resource for science class - in my opinion, at least.  This is NOT, a ba-a-a-d book.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        November 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - David Hockney - By Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara - Publication Date: 4 April 2023

Some children may well be inspired to 'follow their dream' by realizing what David Hockney achieved by following his.  He became a world renowned artist cum painter.  I  felt the authoress wished to emphasize Hockney's sexual orientation; that is, he was gay.

All said and done, I was not overly impressed by this non-fiction children's book despite the brightly colored illustrations and the true nature of the biography.  The narrative simply did not hold my interest.  Thus, I only pledge 3 stars for this work.

                                        ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                    February 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on  Goodreads .

Book Review - Project 562 - By Matika Wilbur - Publication Date: 25 April 2023


The authoress traveled extensively for about a decade doing what I feel was her due diligence, gathering this 'offering' for her Native American People groups.  However, this could also be for those others who care and wish to learn of these people and their culture.

Matika Wilbur has arranged her collection of brilliantly commemorative photos, marking and proudly presenting many of the Native Peoples such as the Assiniboine, Chippewa, Cree, Osage Nations, Apache, Swinomish, Tulalip and so many more that she has met, interviewed and shared food and time with.  Each has short snippets of write-up explanation as to their contributions to teaching the next generations, reviving, empowering and furthering their culture.

I believe this compilation would be a great gift for anyone and could be left on a coffee table for the interested to peruse in bits and bites as they work their way through this mammoth project.  Speaking of 'project,'  readers will also become privy to understanding the book's title should they choose to invest in a copy.

                                        ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                    February 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

His Purpose

 It was because of our transgressions and iniquities Jesus Christ suffered.  The LORD God, the Father, put the punishment for our sin and lack of righteousness upon Christ our Savior (Isaiah 53:5-6).

He did this so we could be 'healed.'  Our spiritual depravity, in which we were all like sheep, made us determined to go our own way.  He did this so we could "die to our sins" and become spiritually alive and made as "a new creation in Christ" -  a total turn around to going His way (see 2 Corinthians 5:22).

When you accept Jesus Christ as Savior through faith in Him, you can then

 "live for righteousness" (1 Peter 2:24).  

You are in a state where He has imputed His righteousness to you.

It's like when a person, say, a wife for instance, gets a ticket or summons for a traffic violation and then someone else, likely the husband, pays for it.  Doesn't seem fair to him but out of kindness and love he does that.  He showed mercy and grace especially if he didn't harangue his wife about it.  Instead he had quietly taken and paid the punishment on his wife's behalf.

Jesus did all this voluntarily.  Why?  It's been stated before, because God loves us and wanted to demonstrate and prove His love for each and every single last human being.

Our Jesus had the authority to lay down and take up His life for us.  God had given Him 

"all authority in Heaven and on Earth" (Matthew 28:18)

 It had also been a command from God His Father.  Jesus was always obedient to His Father.  Jesus' fully man-ness, though, left Him the choice to choose.  Being the sinless one, He did 'drink the cup' of suffering and death His Father had handed to Him.

"Not my will, but yours be done"

He told His Father (see Luke 22:42).

God's act of grace was made to be accepted.

Father God, thank-you for doing all this for us and for providing salvation through Jesus Christ, your son's work on the cross, giving all those who believe through faith, new life in Him.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

                                                ~ERC  April 2023~

Based on Navigator Ministries, Inc, Book 1 Knowing Jesus Christ; Chapter 2 - The Work of Jesus Christ, Questions 6-8 - His Death.

Sing, Lord I Life Your Name on High, along with Marantha Singers.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Book Review - Covert in Cairo - By Kelly Oliver - Publication Date: 25 April 2023


Not all authors can pull off exciting and alluring descriptions.  Readers will be in stitches as they are whipped one way then another along with Fiona Figg as the descriptive writing wheels and woos its way about.  I love it!  Kelly Oliver, the authoress, has such a knack and way with words and she has created good clean fun, in my opinion, and if you like mystery and murder this is a book for you.  This has a Sherlock Holmes flavor but I like Fiona's character much better.

The novel is very loosely based on historical events in and around Egypt and you'll meet Lawrence of Arabia along with German spies, archeologists and some nefarious fellows.  Besides Miss Fiona Figg, you'll get reacquainted with Kitty Lane and her pooch Poppy, chaperoned by Captian Clifford Douglass under Captian Hall's directives.  They're on Fredrick Fredricks' trail, that sly, sauve man, and the reader will also catch up with the elusive Archie, at least Fiona hopes so.  

Will Fiona be able to follow those clues and stop the illegal sale of artefacts, not to mention catching the bad guys?  Dig into the book and find out.  There were so many clues to follow and so many setbacks to frustrate.  Join Fiona and Kitty on the chase.  

This is Book #2 in the, A Fiona Figg and Kitty Lane Mystery Series.  I think the author has fabulously pieced together a great and amusing tale, likely entertaining herself in the process.  It's a great quick read if you have the spare time.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              April 2023

Disclaimer:   This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and Boldwood Books.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

This is What We Do


The Amish folks have this thing which characterizes them individually as well as as a community, it's called, 'forgiveness'.  They are compelled to forgive because they say, "This is what we do".

They want to bring reconciliation between brothers, sisters, parents and friends.  This is to be noted in general terms as they do have something called, 'shunning' when one of the community lives against their rules for Amish living in serious breach.  Then those individuals are ostracised until they 'repent'.

However, I wish to focus on their idea of, "ministry of reconciliation".  We were once 'shunned' and separated from God because of His holiness and our sinfulness.  By 'our', I mean mankind's, due to The Fall perpetuated by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Once a person accepts Christ as their Savior they have salvation.  They were compelled by Christ's love for them.  He died for them, proving His love.  This was Jesus Christ's ministry of reconciliation between God and mankind.

God forgives men and women the world over when they each admit their sin, repent of it and accept Jesus Christ as Savior by faith in Him.  This is what He does.

Now each is a "new creation" in Christ.  Now each changes their thinking.  They change to God's way of thinking empowered by the Holy Spirit who now indwells them.  Guess what!  Now each has been given the "ministry of reconciliation" by Christ.  This is now what each of us does.

It's not just Amish ways, it's Christ's way as this is from whence the Amish base their reconciliation and forgiveness-living.  This is what must characterize each and every believer in Christ.

This is not to say it comes easily-peasily.  We still are like sheep who want to go their own way.  Knowing that Christ's love now flows in our spiritual veins we are now in His service, and His "ambassadors," so we need to continually be reconciled to God when we go astray.

This doesn't mean one loses their salvation but when we do go astray, we must confess to the Lord.  When we do, 

"He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins" (1 John 1:9). 
 Keep reconciled to God so that we will inbue God's righteousness.  This facilitates and enables the child of God to reach out in forgiveness and reconciliation to those who offend, anger, and sin against us.  

This is what we do.

                                                ~ERC  April 2023~

Based on 2 Corinthians 5:14-21.

Sing, Songs of Mercy, Catholic and other Christian Songs, about God's mercy, love, forgiveness.

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - Rescue


Father God, you promised to keep us strong to the end so that we can be enriched in every way, that is, in holiness and blamelessness because we are in fellowship with your son Jesus Christ and because of your faithfulness (1 Corinthians 1:4-9).  I rest in the knowledge.

We, your children, do struggle something fierce at times but also know that the temptations we are tempted by will not be more than we can bear, #1, and that #2, you provide a way out.  Make us wise enough to take hold of such rescue (1 Corinthians 10:13-11:1).

As we come before the Lord's table this Lord's Day, to break the bread and drink of the cup of remembrance of Jesus' broken body and shed blood for us, we thank You once again for giving us salvation and your Holy Spirit who helps keep us strong in the Lord and in fellowship with Him.

Thank-You for the rescue from our sins, death and Hell.  Also for the rescue available for our daily living in resistance against temptations, which abound and beset us.

Your faithfulness O Father, reaches to the Heavens.

In Jesus' name we praise and pray.

                                                 ~ERC  April 2023~

(Originally prayed on 18 September)

Based on 1 Corinthians 1:4-9; 10:13-11:1 NIV.


Friday, April 21, 2023

Book Review - The Lost Daughters of Ukraine - By Erin Litteken - Publication Date: 24 April 2023


The pulse of this story is closely based on actual happenings, taken from first-hand accounts from victims of the chaos, horrors and heartache war perpetuates upon civilians in a country, in this case the Ukraine, when conquerors overtake.  

I do not think I have enough adjectives to describe all the atrocities revealed within these pages:  grim; horrendous; numbing, are some I can give you.  Harsh.  Tears.  Yet some of the characters manage to have some smiles despite all the cruelty and brutality to which they were exposed.

If a reader has read the precusor book to this one, The Memory Keeper of Kyiv, you'll be familiar with the names Alina, Katya, Kolya, and Halya.  You'll meet them here and then recall the Holodomor hell.  Once again, the Ukrainians are battered by neighboring countries.  Yet Slavko, Liliya, Filip, Maksym, Viku and others are new faces on the block who somehow hang tenaciously on to life.

The daughters the reader will follow in their respective chapters are Liliya, Halya, and Viku.  They endure untold hardships and agonies along with the rest of the populace.  I was totally amazed and stunned at their sesilience.  Their stories are told and do overlap, intertwining while showing fine Ukrainian spine.

It was interesting to learn some about Polish Arabian horses, which have special feature.

I feel that because the author bases this book on firsthand accounts handed down from her great grandfather and uncle that it lends extra authenticity to the story and therefore all the more poignant a story.

All of this puts current events into perspective I feel, educating thoughtful readers, allowing them to 'feel' in some measure what the victims of war felt back then and likely now.  Thus it is not necessarily an easy story to read.  However I need to give this book a 5-Star rating as I believe the author has captured the pathos of the situation in a phenomenally moving manner.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             April 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Story - You Either Love Him or Hate Him


                              You Either Love Him or You Hate Him

                                                                  by ERChin

                                                               St. Rosaria, NY

Yesterday morning, Lawyer Lincoln Taylor, cocky and arrogant, strutted into the packed court room, full of himself and bristling with confidence to defend his client.

His client, Miss Rosie McFee, sat with her head down, hair hiding her face.  She was innocent  of the fraud for which she was framed but she did not like her swaggering lawyer and didn't know if she could trust him to win her case.  This controversial man could be so irritating with his smirks and smiles, and you could never second guess what he'd do, except that although within legal limits, it would be eccentric and unconventional.  However, she'd heard his win rates were over the top, yet her unease was evident.  Her wringing hands, and nervous twitches increased pace as Lawyer Taylor made his entrance and slipped in beside her, grinning and winking at her for good measure.

When interviewed later, one of Lawyer Taylor's fans, who had attended the court session, said, "When Lawyer Taylor marched into court, his fans cheered and clapped much to the annoyance of those who despise him.  Those 'haters' shouted, "Boo-o-oo!" almost drowning out the cheers."  One of the detractors adamantly declared, "That Lawyer Taylor cheated, you could see it in his crafty and cunning smile."  Another fan told the reporter, "Lawyer Taylor characteristically made the offense sweat, shooting his 'magic bullet' evidence creating much reasonable doubt, that shot off the charts, freeing Rosie McFee."

Judging by the smile on Rosie Mcfee's face, she must have decided she liked her lawyer after all.  With head up, shoulders back, she gratefully escaped the court room, exonerated.

It is always great entertainment watching Lawyer Taylor in action.  Of course, that despite the disparagers who hate him.  His next 'drama' appearance will be tomorrow at 10 AM.  See you there.

                                                          ~ ERC  April 2023~

Again, a challenge from a student.  Written for fun. Supposed to be a newspaper article.

Disclaimer: All place names and people's names are a complete fabrication and do not reflect any known-to-me person, place or story.  This is meant to be fictitious from start to finish of the 'newspaper article'.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Book Review - The Tapestry of Grace - By Kim Vogel Sawyer - Publication Date: 18 April 2023


Besides the lighthearted and heartfelt quick read about family, community togetherness, even of surprize romance.  This story is set back in the 1800's when Russian Mennonites had immigrated to the USA.  Additionally, there're touches on more serious issues.  Issues of child loss, alcohol abuse, and adoption to name some have been woven into the story's fabric.  To top it off, I really appreciated Scripture verses alluded to and by which some of the characters lived by.  The element of faith in God is precious and I was happy to encounter it within the book's pages.

A satisfying read and I award a 5 Star rating to this book.

                                         ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                       April 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Faithful and True

When walking in a park with friends, you just never know what topics you will talk about.  This morning, death and cremation and scattering of ashes came up.  Odd, I know, but, ahem, also part of life.

Many do not like to speak of death and many are afraid of death.  For me, I am not afraid to die because I know my Redeemer is faithful and true.  I count on His promise of everlasting life and going to be with Him in glory forever and ever.

What makes me quake though, if I think about dying, is the mode of death.  If it is a painful one, then of course, there's fear of that.  We all would prefer to "die peacefully in our sleep," but not everyone has that 'privilege'.

However, those of us who belong to Christ have the hope of being with Him and so a mantle of peace can be an aura upon us.  The Lord did promise to walk through our valley of the shadow of death with us (see Psalm 23:4).  He'll hold our hand through it all.

I really like what one friend wrote about death.  Her honest observations I entitle, 'Emily's Psalm'.  Here's what she wrote...

""I may never get over the fear of death.  I may still be afraid til I

breathe my last.  Oh how human I am.

Full of discovery and experiences

that are fleeting.  Memories made that

pass with time.

BUT I have hope in the Eternal

that flashes by me soon.

I wait on You and trust the hard

journey in the wilderness. Still giving 

thanks for the water from the rock

and manna from heaven.  Where I am,

the dry and cold desert with nothing...

I found everything from my God who

provides and promises to walk with me each step

of the way as He did

with my forefathers, brothers, and sisters

who went before me.

I lift up my voice...praise Your Name

on High.  You are still Lord over me.  So 

I will dwell securely in the house of

the Lord forever."

~E. Wong, Singapore 2023

This psalmist ends with a positive note of trust and praise to the One who died for her.  The one who redeemed her soul.  She has found the Lord and Savior to be "faithful and true" as one song puts it.

You too can have this focus even when death stares you in the face.

                                           ~ERC  April 2023~

Based on Emily's Psalm and Psalm 23.

Permission was granted to use this poem by the 'psalmist'.

Sing, My Redeemer, Faithful and True, along with the Nebblett Family.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Book Review - Hopefully Ever After - By Beth Wiseman - Publication Date: 18 April 2023


Being sixteen years old certainly takes its toll on both Eden and Samuel, the former 'English' and the latter, 'Amish,' as they navigate their respective life challenges.  Yet, meeting each other was cataclysmic, turning this into a wonderfully clean, circumspect romance.  

Several of the Amish ways were cleverly detailed in this third book of the Amish Bookstore Series.  The reader becomes re-acquainted with Yvonne, Abraham, Jake, Eva; oh, and the bookstore business.

Beth Wiseman creates lovely narrative eliciting a whole range of emotions from laughter to tears.  She also incorporates belief in God and faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, which I very much appreciate and sanction.  All-in-all, a hearty, wholesome read.  Readers will find a helpful glossary of Pennsylvania Dutch words at the outset of the book.  Thankfully.  

A 5-Star rating from me.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            April 2023

Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. Honest opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Read review on Goodreads.

Lord's Day Devotion - Act of Grace


The poet Thomas Kelly once penned, 

"'Grace' is the sweetest sound That ever reached our ears..."

When you think of it, is 'grace' a sound?  If it is, then it's pleasant and yes, 'sweet' because of all that God's act of grace accomplished.

God's grace of giving grace 'removed our fears,' as Kelly put it.  Our fear of death, our fear of standing before the Great White Throne of God on Judgment Day and the place you'd end up for eternity.

As a child I used to be terrified of the idea of hell and it's fires even though I'd accepted Christ.  This fear can be relinquished for any follower of Jesus Christ because of God's act of grace.  Sweet, isn't it!

Someday, because of God's grace in our lives we will reign with Him.  He is our King and we His children.  He will...

" with us and walk among us, being our God and we his people" (see 2 Corinthians 6:16).
  This is what He has wanted with us since forever.

Walking with God, God walking with you, being in his company enjoying the pleasantness of the time spent with Him.  This is His 'amazing grace' and John Newton concurs with Kelly,

"how sweet the sound" 

he wrote is his well-known hymn.  We will sing in wondrous joy with Him, as we reign with Him.  Sound sweet to you?

I love this last stanza of Kelly's poem-hymn,

"Then shall we see His face,

With all the saints above 

And sing for ever of His grace,

Forever of His love."

As we remember our God and how He sent Jesus Christ to die for us - His death and resurrection - meditate upon other aspects too that are the result of God's grace, His act of grace and His grace of giving.  God's grace secured our salvation, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life, among those pinpointed out earlier.

Partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine - symbols of this act of grace and grace-giving, this Lord's Day.

Have grateful, thankful hearts full of praise and adoration.  Then go out in grace yourself, imitating your Lord and Savior.  Be a grace-giver doing many acts of grace.

                                           ~ERC  April 2023~

Based on 2 Corinthiasn 8:6, 7 and Thomas Kelly's Poem/hymn, Grace is the Sweetest Sound.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Good-Measure Giving

Someone once declared,

"I don't believe giving can ever be as good as receiving". 
 I don't entirely agree with this statement.

Sure, it's really nice to receive gifts, help or compliments now and again but a steady diet breeds greed.  The more a person gets, the more they want.  This is basic human nature.  this is the ugly truth.

Just observe a young child in a supermarket.  They see, they want, they scream and squall until the parent givens in.  This is an unhealthy habit the child is happy to perpetuate time and again.

This creates unpleasantness for fellow shoppers and embarrassment to the dad or mom who do not have enough backbone to say, "NO!" and mean, 'NO'!

In other cases, some sons or daughters become offended when a parent gives to others outside the family; whether its time, money or gifts.  Case in point, one mother who works hard but actually does not earn much, donated a lump sum to a charity, which provides wheelchairs to third world and developing countries.

These wheelchairs help those who cannot walk, to get them up off the dusty ground.  This mother had read about these basic wheelchairs* from a book she'd read and the immense good these wheelchairs were doing in giving hope and better quality of life to those who received them.  It had so touched her heart that she was prompted to give.

The son took exception to this and felt the funds allotted should have been lavished upon herself, or even him - a grown, working man!  It seemed preposterous, why give to people you don't even know!?

True, one must first be sure those close to them are not in need and only then share what one has for good and betterment of others.  This was the scenario.

Giving, if truly done from the heart creates much good and builds bridges of friendship and goodwill.  The giver can get much pleasure and satisfaction from doing such good deeds.  The giver may not even want it to be broadcasted like one often sees in newpapers of those who donate large sums to various causes, the giver just feels the satisfaction of knowing someone else is being helped.

The Holy Bible commands,

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers ... and do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased" (Hebrews 13:2, 16).

Our ultimate example of giving is God Himself who gave His on and only son Jesus, to suffer and die for all the world (see John 3:16).  Jesus gave His life for us that through Him we human beings can be saved, have forgiveness of sins and everlasting life.  God wanted to demonstrate His love and care for the people of the world who could not help themselves and who were definitely, in need.  As followers of Jesus Christ, we can pass on and prove God's love by also doing "acts of love" in whichever way He touches our hearts to give.

Whatever you decide, give and give cheerfully for 

"God loves a cheerful giver" (see 2 Corinthians 9:7).

So saying, I believe that giving is way better than receiving.  Give, 

"good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over ... the measure you use, it will be measured to you" (Luke 6:38 NIV).

Father God, may our offerings on Your behalf be acceptable in Your sight.  May they be calle, "Good-Measure Giving".

In Jesus name, Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2023~

Based on an Argumentative Essay Test Question and student challenge.

Sing, Living Hope, along with Life Church Worship.

*See also book review for Miracle Wheels.


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Book Review - Breaking New Ground - By Amy Clipson - Publication Date: 11 April 2023


Amish ways are always novel and of interest to me so this book sparked my notice.  Both Korey and Savannah deal with their respective painful issues but strive to do so acccording to their Amish way.

I appreciated that the issues required the characters to go to God in prayer and depend  upon Him, overcoming pride, anger and the like in order to forgive.  These were themes that ran through the pages of this fictional romance story - ha, ha, fictional in more ways than one...

This is the third book in  The Amish Legacy Series and is a 4-Star quick and satisfying read.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           April 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion.  I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Read review on Goodreads.