Saturday, September 10, 2022

Women Who Proclaim It

"The Lord announced the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng" (Psalm 68:11 NIV).

Normally we think of men or even angels proclaiming God's announcements - but women?!  Who ever heard of that!?

It is of great interest to me to read about the LORD announcing something and then the women going out and proclaiming it!  I actually am having to realign my thinking in this regard.  My church upbringing barricades me against such possibilities.

Read the verse again.

Isn't it astonishing to you?!

You see, most of the judges and prophets in the Old Testament were men.  Angels were mostly referred to as 'he's' or 'him's'.  Over in the New Testament, we have the 12 male disciples cum apostles.  Then in Paul's epistles, there's the criteria of elders, deacons, and bishops delineating such instruction as

 "the husband of one wife" [emphasis mine].

If that's to be, then one deduces that it's only the brothers who get to have such roles of authority and responsibility.  Otherwise, it would have also said, "the wife of one husband".  What? 

The male thought is perpetuated because most of Paul's companions and mentee's were male.  So can you see how the verse surprized me?

And it talks about "a mighty throng" of women (YouVersion NIV phone app), or from the ESV "great host" of women.  My actual 'hard copy" NIV Bible says, "great was the company..."  It was not just a one off woman at random.  It sounds like a multitude of them!

Yet, once one stops to think, we can enumerate the women of the Bible who did get to proclaim God's announcements.  There was Deborah the Judge in the Old Testament (Judges 4); Huldah, a prophetess (2 Kings 22:15); Miriam, Moses's sister, was also considered a prophetess (Exodus 15).  Flip over to the New Testament and you'll find the widow Anna, the elderly woman who accosted Mary and Joseph when they brought Jesus as a baby to the Temple (Luke 2:36-38).  Jumping back again to Sarah, Hannah, Abigail and Esther of the Old Testament, who are also considered to have been prophetesses.  These women all spoke for God.

We are all familiar with Mary who was given the priviledge and task of one of the most electrifying messages of all times.  Jesus told her to go and tell His rather depressed disciples that He was alive.  So she ran to tell them, "Jesus is alive!'  Of course, we also know they didn't believe her.

Priscilla, Aquila's wife, is usually mentioned first before her husband.  However, together, they sought to teach Apollos the Word of God more accurately and bring him up-to-date on things (Acts 18:18-28).  This couple even risked their lives for Paul's benefit!

Another woman who makes me smile is Phoebe.  She was a deacon!  Or, should that be 'deaconess'?  A deacon in the Cenchrea Church.  Although it doesn't specifically mention she proclaimed God's words, she did 'act' them and thus presented a testimony of Christ, as she was "a benefactor of many people..." (Romans 16:1-5).

A female deacon.  This is liberating news!

The role of proclaiming was not necessarily pulpit ministry status, I suppose, yet God's message was delivered through these and other faithful godly women of God.

Sisters-in-Christ, let us be encouraged by each of these examples, to join this mighty throng of female heralds, to send out our Heavenly Father's message to the people in our sphere of influence, whether small or great.  Let us be always faithful to Him.

Again, as the verse reads,

"The LORD announces the word and the women who proclaim it are a might throng" (Psalm 68:11).

Thank-You, Father God for such a gift and priviledge, that we women, can also be part of a great company of others who proclaim your good news.  

In Jesus' Name, we give you thanks and praise.

                                                 ~ERC  August 2022~

Based on Psalm 68:11 NIV.

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