Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Book Review - Through Thick and Thin - By Rosemary Conley - Publication Date: 18 August 2022


Rosemary Conley, British author and fitness guru, has written a plethora of fitness and diet books, keeping people trim and slim, if they follow her low-fat diets and exercise regimes, that is.  Many people, especially the women of the United Kingdom are, I assume, very familiar with this dazzling lady and woman of Christian faith.  However, I was pleased to "meet" her in this Through Thick and Thin autobiography of her life. 

Like all of us, Rosemary has had her ups and downs in life but I was inspired by her perseverence to push through some very tough spots.  She graciously credits God and her husband Mike for seeing her through a good deal of it.

Generally, the book was upbeat but I did find it draggy in places as perhaps there was an excess of detail betimes.  Nevertheless, she has gotten me to get up and get cracking to make my 'thick' a little more 'thin'.

In the addenda are lists of all Rosemary's books, DVD's, and videos, among others.  Over the life time of her fitness business, she and her husband have donated mega bucks to charity.  Indeed, she has written that the  royalities for this book will be given to support an organization where children with motor disorders and the like, are enabled to be the best they can be.  This is  something I am wholeheartedly happy to learn.

                                           ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                        August 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read Review from Goodreads.

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