Sunday, September 11, 2022

Book Review - Worthy of Legend - By Roseanna M. White - Publication Date: 13 September 2022


Camelot, Sir Tristan, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table have been stories with which my grandfather enchanted and enthralled my siblings and me when we were children.  Therefore, Worthy of Legend delighted me to no end - cover to cover.

This particular work of historical fiction is the third in the Isles of Scilly trilogy and encompasses more than history and legends.  It speaks of God's love and mercy, and even has warnings of judgment, which I suppose not everyone would like to hear about but is crucial information.  To have such messages threaded throughout the story is a big plus and bonus for me to read.  I was very pleased with how authoress Roseanna M. White expressed and developed these themes that are close to my heart as well.

The book's prologue is set in 1651 somewhere in the Isles of Scilly, with John the Pirate and his well loved wife Lizza.  Lizza finds  and rehides an artifact so her husband won't find it - she has her reasons.  The story then takes us fast forward to 1906, on those same Isles where we meet our heroine Lady Emily Scofield, Lord Telford, Oliver, Beth, Libby, Sheridan, Nigel and other good and not so good guys.  They all have interest in finding pirate treasure, some of which is connected to the Legends of King Arthur's Court.

The story ends in finding that treasure that is "worthy of legend," and more.  There  is mystery, there is ruthlessness, there is romance.  I love the interpersonal relationships among the very good friends - the camaraderie and how new relationships develop and grow.  All round, I found myself very pleased and satisfied, or maybe not satisfied because I was sorry to see the good, clean, fun narrative's end.  Five star salute to this well-accomplished authoress!

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              April 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent to me by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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