Thursday, September 15, 2022

Morality - Social Issues Facing the Church - OBSCENITY


Obscenity is similar to the COVID -19 virus.  We can easily pick up "the germs" in so many ways and places without even realizing it - it's no joke!  We are only just coming down off the extreme high alert of guarding against being infected with COVID and its mutations and having to adhere to all the SOP's after more than a two year hiatus.  For obscenity, however, we followers of Jesus Christ cannot and should not let down our guard.  Yes, there are some SOP's to help us prevent a habit of obscene practices and speech from developing and also to help break routine usage of obscenity.

Church, take notice!  We do NOT point fingers at those people who are in and of the world, only at those of us who purport and profess to belong to Christ, whether from decades of belonging or only a short time of being "in Christ".  This discussion is for us!

To begin, look at a definition of 'obscenity,' just so everyone is clear on what is being discussed herein.  The New Collins International Dictionary of the English Language states that 'obscene' means,

 "the portrayal of description of sexual matters," for example, obscene jokes.  

The word can be used in other instances but this is the connotation for our context in this article.

It could be that we subconsciously assimilate obscene thoughts that in turn spill out of our hearts and mouths.  Be aware of the different areas in which a person can 'pick up' such infectious infiltrations of our spirits and souls.

Language is one such way when we hear and/or tell lewd jokes or in the telling of stories of sexual matters.  Pornography is the graphic, visual infusion through explicit description or display of sexual organs and/or activity.  These are intended to stimulate sexual excitement and are dangerously addictive even to those who may deem themselves "strong Christians".  Music is known as a quicker way to learn things.  Words chosen for lyrics set to music even for "innocent" 'song and dance' often combine and create obscene displays.  Television, movies, today's reels and video clips, and dirty jokes are other avenues of absorbing obscene smut.

The way a person may walk in an exaggerated fashion, in sexually salacious motions even with hand signaled gestures or winks with they eyes, can give off sexual meanings and vibes.  No doubt one can see how serious this issue is, especially for those of us who take the name of Jesus with us.

Profanity is often added to this scene, which indicates

 "a contempt and irreverence and disrespect for a divinity or something sacred". 
 In our case here, we're talking about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, God's Word and our life of Christian living that should be Christlike.

It's God's name, even in Old Testament times that was, and still is, the most common object of profanity.  Let us not loosen our personal restrictions by accepting obscene things into our own lives, the lives of our family, nor within the church.  Do not follow society's standards which have grossly slipped and slackened.  

At one time there was more than a modicum of godly form as seen in the Founding Father's who drew up the Declaration of Independance of the USA.  Much of society was still somewhat 'god-fearing' at that time.  Since then, prayer and the Bible have been thrown out and a general turning away from its teaching ensued.  The decayed, rottenness of that society is evident in today's standards; chaos and anarchy are more and more prevalent - just listen to the news.  You'll know.

Many hide behind the American First Ammendment Rights.  These "Rights" have turned into wrongs, as these allow for just any belief and the enabling to share it.  If anyone makes profane and/or obscene remarks about anyone else's beliefs - well that's - on the surface, just fine, too; according to those Rights, that is.  In my opinion, defamation does not make it right to make offensive remarks or jokes, even when the target is something with which you do not agree.  Certainly, a believer in Jesus Christ should be very careful with his or her words, - not just because you may be liable for being sued (especially in the USA) but also because Jesus would not have done so.  Non-believers may not accept our beliefs and  so call us bigots and so on, but God is their Judge.  Let Him deal with that.  We represent Christ; let's give crystal clear imaging.

I don't know about you, but when I hear obscenity and profanity, especially from someone who professes to belong to Christ, I cringe.  Like Lot, who in many ways brought it upon himself by choosing to live in Sodom and Gomorrah, and who in 2 Peter 2:7-8, was declared a 'righteous man," who "distressed," and "tormented" his soul by immersing himself in that society.  He was a good, moral man who reacted as he should have - with cringes.  Let us also react similarly but be wise and extract ourselves from such pollutant associations as much as possible.  We can be in the world but not of it.  Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, guard your hearts and minds (John 17:16-27 and 1 John 2:15-17).

This perculates down to keeping our own speech and appetites from careless words.  Realize that we will give account of them on the day of judgment.  Part of guarding against unwholesome talk is to train oneself to think and say only what is, 

"helpful for building others up according to their needs..." (Ephesians 4:29).  

Consider and examine our speech for that which is obsecene and rid ourselves of the coarse language.  Remember, it is most often proud and wicked people who have no room for God, who will use obscene language and talk.

Let us NOT use our tongues for curses and blessings.  Use words that are consistant with speaking Christlike words of grace, healing and benefit for others (1 Perer 2:1; Psalm 10:4, 7; James 3:8-12 and Colossians 4:6).  Our character can depict a fairly accurate estimate by the way we speak.  Let us speak God-pleasing words, fellow people of God.

Dig into the Bible more.  

The Bible may not use the word "pornography" but it speaks of it.  This illicit sexual behavior is noted as belonging to wicked, depraved, people, who are impure and especially improper for someone who calls themself "a follower of Jesus Christ," to be involved in.  Even though pornography is not active sexual relations with another person, God still considers it as active.  Jesus said,

"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matthew 5:28-29).

This reminds me of the vow Job took.  He said, 

"I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman" (Job 31:1 NIV).

Job was a righteous man, full of integrity.  In this we can follow his exemplary example.

We can be blameless and pure children of God by avoiding entertainment, whether from movies, reels and the like, or from obscene music.  Let's not tarnish or damage our testimony, rather aim for that perfection of utmost holiness.  What goes into a person does not defile him or her - only what comes out.  However, what we allow in will affect what comes out if we are not on our guard (Matthew 15:1).

Music lyrics, dirty jokes and body gestures, as mentiond earlier, will impact us.  We, therefore, need to be very wary and alert against all these so that the words spoken by one who professes to belong to Jesus Christ will avoid even "a hint of obscenity," "foolish talk" and/or "sexual immorality" (Ephesians 5:3-4).  These are acts of the sinful nature, do not generate them even "for fun".  Run away.  Draw near to God, instead and He'll draw near to you.  Allow noble, true, praiseworthy thoughts, and words and gestures be your norm so they turn into beneficial helps for others and honor and give glory to our loving heavenly Father.

The question now is, what should moral upright people of God do about all this?  What are some practical solutions to pre-empt a habit of using obscenity and/or to break a habit thereof?

First, we can "muzzle it"!  That is, make a similar covenant or vow with our hearts, minds, and mouths, like Job did with his eyes.  Oh, maybe we need to do so with our eyes too.  Look at what David wrote in Psalm 39:1 (NIV).

"I said, "I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth, as long as the wicked are in my presence."

Huh!  Maybe we should continue to wear our covid masks to remind us of this.  All jesting aside, the word 'commitment' came to mind as I wrote out the verse.  Commitment and perseverence if we are truly sincere in wanting to be rid of obscenity from our lives and mouths.

This leads us to other verses that are likely familiar to most of us, in Ephesians and Colossians - the "put off..." and the "put on" verses.  Oh, there's even one "put to death...whatever belongs to the sinful, earthly nature."

Look at the before and after pictures of these verses.  Read straight from your own Bibles, Ephesians 4:17-29 and Colossians 3:1-11.  Can you see the "put off's" and "put on's"?

"Put off old self"..."Put on new self".  The new self is being

 "renewed in knowledge in the image of the Creator."
  Since we are "new creation" in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), we can and should relinquish our old ways and put on the new towards greater Christlikeness.  For instance, doing useful things to help build up ourselves, others; watching what we say and setting our hearts and mind on things above.  The more we sincerely do so, the less the old ways will present themselves, and the more we will be holy and please the Lord.

We have the Holy Spirit's empowering so don't have to go it alone.  In these ways we can stop our mouths from uttering obscenity, breaking and putting off the old habits of cursing, swearing and uttering other evil things.

These points cannot be belabored too much; we children of God really need to "get it"!  All these "puttings off and puttings on are essential.  Reject the unholy, remove ourself as much as possible from

 "bad company, which corrupts good character" (1 Corinthians 15:33).

 Put on the true, noble, right, noteworthy, pure and so on that is part and parcel of heart guarding SOP.  Our hearts and minds work together to produce what we say or do.  Let us be holy and blameless, a blessing for others, as well as for our own ears and actions.  These should indeed, be among our goals in all of this.  Here's some more to ponder on and take action.

"...Strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man" (Acts 24:16 NIV).

We will have favor with God although men may persecute us for our holy testimony.  That is part of "bearing our cross" for our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

As we... 

"...discern what is best and become more pure and blameless until the day of Christ" (Philippians 1:10),

 ...we will also avoid causing others to stumble.  We are commanded in this to NOT be a perpetrator of unholiness in others (1 Corinthians 10:32).  Serious matter!

In closing, when we practice fasting permanently from obscenity, we will inculcate the habit of speaking more pure and holy words, and guarding our hearts.  Removing ourselves from environments that would pulsate with obscenity, and turning rather to occupations that would be wholesome, such as reading large daily chunks of God's Word in one go; communing with our Heavenly Father in prayer and praise, will help us bulwark against the evil which so easily besets us.

May we bow our heads and hearts to God our Maker, Redeemer, Friend and become ever more holy as He is holy.

                                                              ~ERC 2022~

Based on a Study Guide by Rob harbison; Moral issues Facing the Church, Lesson 9.


The New Collins International Dictionary of the English Language

Review all Bible verse references given above.

Sing, A Pure Heart, along with the Daaca Family.

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