Monday, September 19, 2022

Morning Message

 I stepped out of the car and my nostrils were instantly assaulted by a nasty stench, almost making me puke.  Whatever the foul concoction of debris, combined to infiltrate the air, I didn't care to investigate, I just wanted out of there - STAT!

In spite of this, as I was locking up the car, I spied a most welcome sight.  A brave, wee flower in a most unexpected place.  It's delicate mauve hue was shining its glorious face, lifting itself upwards towards the early morning sun.  Some of the night's raindrops lingered and sparkled like diamonds.  The stench versus this sight, most conspicuous.

This pop of beauty in such a disagreeable sort of place was a wonderful message of good cheer from the Lord.  He focused my attention on that flower - on the goodness of His creation - a plant that had bloomed where planted, even in such a disgusting environment.

Obvious spiritual lessons ensue.  Sometimes we find ourselves in troubled, difficult and challenging places but we can still flourish despite it all, displaying the beauty of Christ in us.

                                                        ~ERC  July 2022~

Sing, God Will Take Care of You, along with Rosemary Siemens.

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