Saturday, September 10, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Keeping Records

People keep all sorts of records.  Teachers keep records of assignments to be taught and of the students achievements therein; banks keep ledgers of all the debit and credit, and bottom lines of customers; hospitals keep records of births and deaths and the law keeps records of prisoners' crimes and misdemeaners.  These records mostly never go away and can be either noteworthy or blots and stains that cling to the doer of the deeds.

God keeps a record of those who come to Christ.  The Bible calls it "The Book of Life".  There are also scrolls of peoples' sins that will be presented at Judgment Day to be read to each individual who did not accept Jesus Christ as Savior just before they are sent to the prison of eternal punishment in Hell (Revelation 20:11-15).

However, the record God does NOT keep are those sins of those who become His child through Jesus Christ.  We find our forgiveness in Him.  Like the psalmist's prayer,

"If You, LORD, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?  But with You there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence serve You" (Psalm 130:3, 4 NIV).

Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, we have the luxury of basking in these thoughts, because in God's eyes the record of our sins has been totally blotted out.  He remembers our sin no more (Hebrews 8:12).  Our repentance brought us forgiveness.  Come, let us put our hope in the LORD.  Why?  Due to His "unfailing love" and "full redemption".

We can be assured because it was Jesus Himself who redeemed sinners from all their sins, blots out even the record of them, makes us holy in God's sight and calls us "saints".  Oh, how the grace of God exonorates each one who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Praise His holy name that the only record He keeps is the one with your name in His Book of Life!

As Lord's Day begins and we gather together to remember our Lord and Savior in His death and resurrection, praise Him that your record of sin has been blotted out and for the recording of your name in the Book of Life.  Pass the broken bread, partake, giving thanks.  Drink with a grateful heart, of the cup of wine, representing that which washed away your sins - the precious blood of Christ.

What a wonderful record of what the Lord has done for me, for you, for the "whosoever".  Go forth then in reverence, and serve Him!

Oh, and for the record...He loves you!

                                                          ~ERC  July 2022~

Based on Psalm 130 and Roamans 8:1-2.

Sing, What Can Wash Away My Sins, along with the Broward Church, FL.

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