Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Book Review - Come Down Somewhere - By Jennier L. Wright - Publication Date: 6 September 2022


Olive's story of 1944 events in Alamagorde, New Mexico, leading up to the Manhatten Project's atomic bomb testing, intertwines and runs parellel with Jo's in 1952, in this dual story line.  The literal and figurative 'fallout' had far-reaching repercussions not just in Japan, but right there in the "Jornada del Muerto' niche of Olive and Jo's world.  Enemies who became dubious friends, and allies that could not be trusted as far as the countries could throw them.  It hurt even when close relatives like a mother or a father appeared to have rejected and abandoned them, or for the government to exploit it's own trusting people.  Then, watch out for the sheep in wolf's clothing.  All was not as it seemed and all this under the eyes of Jesus, at church.  

This sobering historical fiction does have its lighter moments and is obviously based on true events.  The narrative also has the girls-turned-women, grappling with faith in God.  I really liked how that turned out even as the unfairness seeped and settled like a dark, cold mantle upon the town and surrounding region in the post WWII years.

The author of this tale, Jennifer L. Wright, has certainly captured the hush-hush of cover up of 'secret weaponry'  and spies, now bringing awareness to those who would listen to her message of advocacy as they read this thought-provoking story.  The lives of Olive and Jo rekindle it all, making it 'live' and become vividly real.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            June 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by NetGalley and  Tyndale House Publishers.

Read review on Goodreads.

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